My Comfort

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It wasn't long before The greens called a doctor, and he rushed over to the house.

"Here, put some pressure on it." A Doctor said, giving Remy a rag.

Remy didn't hesitate, but listened to the Doctor.

The Doctor then grabbed a wet rag, and cleaned some of the blood away from Remy's face.
He then put the rag away, and grabbed some bandages, and started to wrap Remy's eye up, after cleaning up the blood away from his face.

"Is he gonna be okay, doc?" Tilly asked.

"He'll be just fine, just leave the bandage on his eye for a few days to stop the bleeding." The doctor replied.

"Thanks for your help, doc." Bill Replied.

The doctor smiled and nodded, and made his way out the door.
After the doctor left, Remy Spoke up.

"Is it noticeable?" He asked.

"Eh, nothin' some 'ol makeup can't do." Gramma replied.

The Greens and Remy then smiled and were happy inside a nice warm house. However, Cricket, on the other hand, was out in the freezing rain, walking up the city road, with some tears flying down his face, as he sniffled softly.

☝️*Listen to Song in Description*☝️

Cricket slowly walked very depressed, as he walked up the wet and cold road, looking right in front of him, looking very upset, and emotionally hurt, as he was covered in mud and rain.

Suddenly, he heard a giggle, and turned over to beside him, where he saw a family inside a restaurant, with a kid smiling and standing infront of a big birthday cake.
The kid blew out the candles, and everyone cheered.

Cricket was able to hear them from inside.

"Happy Birthday!" The mother said.

"We love you, Son." The Father said.

Cricket felt even more hurt, and continued to sadly walk up the road, with his eyes becoming even more filled with tears.
It didn't help that the cold air hit his already freezing body, and that his tears were blending into the raindrops.

Then, Cricket stopped and looked at his reflection in a puddle, seeing how horrible he looked.
Then, his birthday memories started flying through his mind.

"Happy 1st Birthday, Cricket!" Everyone said.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

"Happy 2nd Birthday, Cricket!" Everyone said.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Happy 5th Birthday, Cricket!" Everyone said.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Then, a car drove by, and splashed the puddle into Cricket's face, making him snap back into reality.
He sighed, and walked up to a crosswalk, and crossed, as the light was red. Then, he then started to think of what he did to his best friend, and slowly started to breakdown.

"...I-I'm horrible." Cricket thought.

He then made his way beside a trailer, and curled up in a ball, starting to loudly sob.

Big City Greens - My Sick PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now