Chapter Three: Bad News

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  • Dedicated to Di <3


The loud ringing of the alarm snaps me out of my dreamless sleep. I reach my arm out to throw the clock out of the window, but mum's threat of not buying a new one stops me. The sun shines a little too brightly, through my bedside window. I really got to move my bed away or I'll be blind, all because of the sun. I rub my eyes sleepily and sit up in my bed. I scan my room for any damage - for all I know, an earthquake could have occurred when I was asleep - and my eyes immediately land on the adorable Penguin sitting on my table. The fuzzy, soft-toy kind. Not the animal.

Looking at it, my thoughts drift back to yesterday's date. Jason took me to the arcade and we had played some awesome games. He had helped me to play mina-hoops as I couldn't reach the hoops. They call it mina-hoops but the basket Is 6 feet high!

Moving on, we played putt-putt and some shoot the moving object games too. The number of tickets we got summed up to a hundred. So, for the prize Jason made me choose from either a penguin or a giraffe. Obviously, I chose the penguin. Aren't they just so cool? Waddling like this and that along the snow and being so cute and - I should really stop, right?

So anyway, we ate delicious food In the food court but when we were leaving the arcade, there was some dude who looked suspiciously like Seth. Now that I think about it, he actually looked a lot like Seth. Wait, did Seth spy on us? No, he wouldn't do that.

Would he?

It was a great date and I wasn't going to let Seth make it a disaster. Disaster reminds me of my first date. It was with Henry Baker. And It was worse that an earthquake. It shook my world and not in a good way. I was in middle school and I couldn't say no. Looking back on that day, I really should have refused. I mean, the kid had glasses (He still does). And braces (They are, luckily, no more). And he wore button ups (Still. Does.) Enough said. He even tried to kiss me. But I stopped him and he ended up kissing my hand. As cliché as It sounds, I wanted- and still want to- save my first kiss for someone special. And Henry definitely wasn't that someone.

It was horrible and Seth kept teasing me about it until I told him I would show 'The Tape' to everyone. 'The Tape' was a home video of us recorded by Seth's father when we were 5. We were in his backyard and he had proposed to me with a rubber band. Yeah, very original but we were so carefree and young at the time. He had wrapped the rubber band around my finger about 7 times until it fit. We even kissed each other's cheeks and I still remember his face being crimson the whole time!

That tape had 3 copies. Both our mothers preserved it and still watch it when they think we're growing up too fast. The third copy is with me and I use it to blackmail Seth. Only to blackmail Seth. Okay, fine. I watch it sometimes. Just sometimes. Maybe more than sometimes but shah!

Back to topic- As soon as I played the 'The Tape' card, he shut up about my first date with Henry. My only date with Henry.

Ah, well, yesterday was great. After we ate, Jason got us Ice-cream and still didn't let me pay for anything. When we were done with the sweet delight, Jason drove me home. He walked me to my front porch. I think he was expecting a kiss but I don't kiss on first dates. Not after the Henry Incident.

So, I just hugged and thanked him. Once I was in my room I texted him telling him I had a great time and he replied with a "Me 2.Talk 2 u Tomes." I also texted Seth saying that I reached home safely and that I would give him details tomorrow. Which is today.

I look at my watch to see the time. It was already half past 8. Without any further delay, I take a shower, get dressed and call Seth.

He picks up after three rings.

"How'd it go last night? He didn't try anything while you were coming back right? I don't think he did. Jason Is a good guy but I'll kick his rear for you!"

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