Chapter 3

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Their first semester sped along and Furuichi was quite thankful for it. After what the silvernette dubbed the "Creepichi incident" Oga had gotten very strange. Furuichi caught the brute staring at him hard several times. The few times they were in the same room together for more than ten minutes, Oga would take it upon himself to invade Furuichi's personal bubble. Oga wouldn't touch him, just stood uncomfortably close for whatever reason. One time Oga commented that Furuichi smelled strongly of strawberries and what kind of guy smells that good?

Furuichi was torn between being delighted and emasculated. He decided to shove a large piece of cooked beef into Oga's mouth to distract the Alpha male while Furuichi made his escape. It was worse that Furuichi wasn't having any luck in the lady department either. All of the good-looking women in his classes shunned him, and even the really nice girls who weren't all that pretty started getting suspicious of Furuichi's motives.

Furuichi sighed as he ate his lunch sitting outside on the campus tables. The days were growing cooler as rainy season was fast approaching. He'd have to make sure to have several umbrellas ready. Furuichi enjoyed all kinds of weather now that he thought about it. Of course, he didn't quite like the days of extreme heat or cold. Holding the heated tea in his hands to warm up his chilly fingers, Furuichi yelped with indignation as his drink was ripped away from him as the hard body of the brute settled beside him.

"Ah! That was satisfying!" Oga stated as he crushed the empty can with his forehead and tossed it over his shoulder. "I bet it was," Furuichi stated glumly while pushing off Oga's arm that managed to snake around his shoulders again. The silvernette had looked forward to drinking his tea under the cloudy sky in peace. "Hm? Did you say something?" Oga was too busy eyeing a large group of tough would-be yakuza initiates probably itching for a fight. "I'm going to class." Furuichi gathered his things completely missing the slight hurt in Oga's eyes as he walked away.

Oga rose to leave shortly after the smaller man, kicking the crushed can. Trying to figure out the colors and words around the squashed aluminum, Oga reached inside his pockets and rushed to the nearest vending machines. When Furuichi returned home that evening, he found that same can resting on his bedside drawer.


Oga wasn't a man of many talents he knew. Getting up in the morning was not on that list. The brunet took a look at the clock that read 1:49pm and shrugged off the fact that he missed his 9am class. He wasn't even sure he was on the roster anymore because Oga had the sneaking suspicion that he didn't even go to class on the first day. Oga still didn't know who pulled which strings to get him into university. Whoever they were, they were probably yanking the hair out of their heads.

Stretching and rolling over, Oga faced the hallway. Furuichi's door was closed today, as it usually was. It never stopped Oga from barging into his room though. Oga never stole anything, he just stood there in the center of the room taking Furuichi's scent in. Oga had gotten to know the smaller man quite a lot just by being in Furuichi's room while the silvernette was away at class. The room was immaculate and always smelled nice because of the oil diffuser that was scheduled to burn strawberry oil every 2 hours. There were pictures and posters of women everywhere in the room, and if Oga didn't know that his roommate was male, it really would've seemed like a fangirl's room. Aside from the fact that there were plenty of porn magazines underneath the pillows.

Being in Furuichi's room always brought Oga a feeling of impatience because what was Furuichi trying to prove? With the way everything in his room looked, and how the idiot acted while trying to chase women, Oga knew that Furuichi was desperately trying to hide something, and by the looks of his room, it didn't take a genius to figure out that Furuichi was hiding it from himself. Oga came to this conclusion all before the "creepichi" incident.

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