Chapter 8

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As it turned out, the brute was terribly affectionate. Oga would try to sneak a kiss here, a swat on the ass there and Furuichi would scold him for it every time. Furuichi knew that the brute's "Alpha male" energy was hurt by "his mate's" rejection, especially right after having fantastic oral sex. If it weren't for the discipline instilled since actively chasing girls, there'd have been no way in all the seven levels of hell that Furuichi would put up with Oga's constant grouchiness.

Things had gotten awkward after their coupling; well, for the silvernette anyway. He'd scurry off to his room when Oga made a pass at him. He'd duck away from anything that felt like it would turn into a kiss. Besides, the question of their relationship meant nothing next to keeping Oga registered in school. Furuichi would lose his scholarships if Oga failed because the board didn't take too kindly to the way the silvernette made them look the fool. His neck was on the line too! Why couldn't the block head see that?

Looking over his shoulder at Oga, Furuichi ignored the pangs in his heart. Furuichi had gotten pretty good at that over the years. In all honesty, Furuichi wasn't ready to deal with his sexuality yet. He was scared to answer the questions he had about it since puberty. This kind of denial was uncalled for in the brute's eyes and the only reason Oga hadn't simply taken what he thought was his was that Furuichi kept him occupied with drills.

And bribery.

"If you can finish these drills with zero marks before the start of next semester, then I'll... I'll suck you off again."

Without further argument, Oga snatched each piece of paper from Furuichi's hands and went to work. Cursing and muttering under his breath in a way that had Furuichi smiling tenderly. Each time Oga took the next drill, however, Furuichi found himself getting nervous. Oga had improved at an alarming rate. Any faster and Furuichi would have to make good on his promise. He hoped that Oga wouldn't make it by October. His jaw was still sore.


Oga grumbled as he put on pants one early October morning. He hadn't made the deadline and now his half- hard cock would have to wait.

What a fucking bummer.

Taking the schedule Furuichi laid out for him, Oga scratched his muscular chest while yawning so loudly a dog barked in alarm. He didn't want to go to school anymore. Furuichi had taught him enough and Oga felt more prepared for the "real world" than he had ever felt before. But then, how would he repay the one guy that actually put faith in him? Leaving meant that Furuichi would end up with the short straw. Not to mention, Takayuki did look really cute hanging over the bed. While in deep consideration of taking off, his phone rang. When he retrieved his phone, the brute hesitated to answer it.


The line went dead and Oga kicked his chair across the room. Taking a look down the hallway, Oga tossed on a shirt and went to his first class.


Oga hadn't felt this tired in a long time. Dragging himself up the stairs, the light under the door held no appeal to him at the moment. He wanted nothing more than to leave school and become a world renowned prize fighter. He could do it. He just wondered why nobody else wanted him to go down that path.

Oga tried to knock, but the door swung open. His eyes were taking in the frilly pink apron and flushed face of a man who seemed to have been cooking up a storm judging by the delicious scents wafting from the apartment.

"What the hell are you wearing, Idiot Furuichi?"

"Ah, I knew I heard the footsteps of an ogre. Take out the trash, then get cleaned up to eat."

Oga had no energy to fight back and blood was traveling too far down south to think.

"What's the occasion?" Oga asked while pulling out a chair.

"You went to class."

Oga blinked three times before answering.

"What makes you think I went to class instead of ditching today?"

Furuichi served himself a helping, then rolled his eyes when Oga pulled it toward himself.

"Because," he said while serving himself again. "Everybody kept talking about it. I think it even trended on Twitter."

"What's Twitter?"

Furuichi stopped chewing and stared long enough at Oga to make the brute shift in his seat.

"I guess a Neanderthal like you wouldn't know what it is."

The two men squabbled over the rest of their dinner time which gave Oga a certain thrill. He couldn't say why, but the fact that Furuichi wasn't scared of him to speak his mind without looking for a fight was really refreshing. Just being around the silvernette made Oga feel like he could do anything. For a brief moment, as Oga stared at Furuichi currently ranting over his professors, Oga felt that he really would do anything for him. Rising from his seat, Oga turned to leave to his room. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Where the fuck do you think, jackass? The North Pole."

"Then tell Santa he's gotta wait because we're going over new drills and your syllabus."

Oga rounded on Furuichi as soon as "drills" fell out of his lips.

"Don't you remember what happened last time?"

Closing the gap between them, Oga was unexpectedly warm. The generous amount of heat rolling off his body made Furuichi's nerve endings tingle. They didn't even have to touch each other.

"Fine," the silvernette took a step back. "No drills. But let's go over the syllabus and exam schedule at least."

Oga physically resisted. Refusing to move from his rigid stance in the center of the living room. Seeing no other way around it if he wanted Oga to do his bidding, Furuichi approached Oga and put a gentle hand on the brute's shoulder. "Please?"

The silvernette busted out his best puppy dog eyes. The eyes that never worked on anyone else. For whatever reason, Furuichi knew those eyes would work on the brute.

The brute shifted on his feet, rolled his eyes then marched in and out of his room to shake loose sheets of papers from his backpack onto the floor. Oga hmphed like a petulant baby as he sat on the floor in front of a small center table the dorm had been furnished with.

"What the hell are you waiting for Idiot- Furuichi?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

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