The Beginning Battle Part 2

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A spiraling black cloud in the blood-red sky pointed to where Zalgo was to be found. As the two girls neared, they saw black pointed rocks jutting upward. Any car, building, or person was destroyed or impaled. Many demons trudged around, killing off any alive beings. In front of town hall, sitting in a large crystal throne, Zalgo watched as many of the demons stopped in their tracks and sniffed the air. Isla and the clone ducked behind a large rock. "So what now? Zalgo knows I...." The clone started "Yeah, yeah. I'll have to face him up front." "What? Are you insane?" "No, everything requires some guts." Isla smiled to herself as she summoned her sword behind her. The demons hissed and neared the rock. "What about me?! This thing only takes mortal souls!" Clone pointed to her scythe. Isla smiled and placed an aura over it. "This will free any mortal soul trapped in the demons." 

The demons came closer, snarling and licking their lips. Clone gripped onto her scythe and stepped out alongside Isla. Bringing out a flaming sword she swung at a few of them. "I'll take them on, you go deal with Zalgo." Clone briskly spoke and Isla dashed over towards the throne. Zalgo stood up from his throne and grinned, "Finally you decided to come. I would've gotten dreadfully bored without you~" He said as he came closer. "Honestly, what makes you so much better than the several Angels I've demolished in the past?" He says as he crushes a human skull under his foot.

Isla stands, unflinching as she stared him down. "You know very well you're overstepping your territory, my rank does not matter, as long as you get put pack in your place." "Well then, I would like to see where that gets you, wanna dance?" Zalgo smiled as he sent a burst of dark matter her way. She knocked it back with her sword and Zalgo dodged it, letting the throne get destroyed behind him. "Aw, I spent some good time making that." He growled, swiping forward and hitting her arm.  She expanded her wings behind her and flew backwards into the sky, throwing several daggers at him. He smiled and avoided them, only to get hit by her beam afterwards and got flung against the now demolished throne.

"You. Bitch." He scowled as he rose. "I'll teach you a bit about life 101, what happens when a body gets impaled?" He casts a glance at the clone. "You wouldn't dare." Isla growled, summoning some more daggers. "Watch me!" He raised one of his hands and a very thin point came up quickly and impaled the clone. The remaining demons walked closer and slashed at her. 

She screamed as Isla tossed her daggers, pinning Zalgo and flew downwards to the Clone, killing every demon in her way. Black matter oozed onto the rock as the Clone tried to get out. "I'll get you out! J-just don't struggle!!" Isla said softly, suddenly was smacked aside by Zalgo's hand. "You forgot I am still alive. How's it hanging?" He sneered at the clone, who was shivering a bit. He stepped closer to her, sifting his fingers through her hair, "What a shame, to waste someone like this. But I won't put you out of your misery just yet, you can stay there until you bleed out." She whimpered, growing weaker.

Isla stood up and dashed forward to save the clone but was thrown aside by Zalgo. "Well, where were we? Oh, I remember." He said, placing a foot on Isla's chest. "I was at the moment where I ridicule you until I tire of you and crush you.." He growled, applying more pressure. Isla groaned in pain. "Tell me," he said, gripping a fistul of her hair and pulled her towards him, "What will it take to make you scream?" He whispered as she scowled.

"That's not the right question. It should be 'What will it take for her not to get pissed off?'" Yami cut in as a beam of light struck him in the back. Zalgo was then thrown to the side by Isla's wings. Jeff came up right alongside Yami and rushed over to the clone, "She's bleeding out! Come help!" Jeff yelled as Isla desperately ran over and waved a hand over the clone. The wounds started to heal as they took the crystal out of the Clone.

"Wake up! Please, you can't die now!" Isla spoke briskly as the Clone didn't say nothing, her skin cold. "Jeff, take her to the mansion. Yami-" "YOU GO NOWHERE!" Zalgo snarled, the wound healing.  "WE FINISH THIS NOW!!!" He spat, a dark aura surrounding him as he sprang forward, Yami pulled a card from his deck, smiled, and raised the card, "COME OUT, SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON!!!"

 The eye glowed in the middle of his forehead as a light came up from the ground. Flying right above the three, Slifer roared and growled, staring straight at Zalgo. "You think a mere egyptian god card is going to destroy ME?!" He taunted. Isla sent a ray of light towards Slifer and the aura dispersed around its body. "Maybe not by himself." She spoke. Yami's Puzzle glowed brighter as he held Isla's hand. "ATTACK SLIFER!! BANISH HIM BACK TO THE DEPTHS HE CRAWLED FROM!!!" Yami commanded as Isla surrounded Zalgo with a dome of light. 

Slifer roared again and dove straight down towards Zalgo, who glared at her through the bars, "THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING PRINCESS!!! YOU HAVEN'T WON JUST YET!!!" He cackled as Slifer broke through the dome and right into Zalgo. Almost instantaneously, the crystals started to retract and the sky became a light blue again. All that remained were wrecked cars and dead bodies. The people stared at the couple, afraid of what just happened. Isla looked into each strangers' eyes and they looked dazed before rushing to help each other up. "What did you do?" Yami asked, confused. "I erased some of their memories. It's better if they don't know what's truly going on." Isla said softly. 

They checked back with Yugi and the group and were glad to hear they were unharmed. "Hey guys, come over here." Jeff spoke, looking a bit different, more human. 'When creepypastas want to stay hidden, they'll take the appearance of any other being.' She explained again as they ran over to where he was. "I don't think she's going to make it." Jeff said, looking down at the clone. "I said she will live a new life, I'm not breaking that vow on my watch." She walked closer and grabbed the clone's hands, whispering as an aura surrounded the two. "What's going on? What are you doing??" Yami urgently whispered, feeling the warm aura of Isla fading away. "She' her life for the clone's..." Jeff realized as Isla slumped over to her side.

Yami was in shock as the clone opened her eyes, "Wha...happened?" She murmured as she struggled to sit up. "No...ISLA!" Yami cried out as he knelt down and held her. "C-come on! You can't leave me like this! PLEASE!" Yami sputtered as tears streamed down his face. Jeff looked away and ran his hands through his hair. The clone stared at the body, and realized what happened. "No..." She fell to her knees as well, tears falling to the ground.

"Why are you crying?" An orb of light hovered above Isla and expanded to show Aknamkanon. "Father?" Yami said softly. He nodded and touched Isla's forehead. "You've fulfilled the first prophecy, saving the world alongside my son, but you have much more to do. There are many other worlds vulnerable to Zalgo's rage, and its up to you to make a new group, one that will defeat him once and for all." He lifted his hand and emitted another orb of light. "With this new life I give you, use it to help the meek and scared, young one." He placed the orb on her head and the light spread around her body, surging through Yami once more. 

"Yami?" Isla groaned as she looked up at him. "Y-Yeah, its me. I'm here." Yami smiled and hugged Isla. The clone and Jeff smiled, stepping closer to the couple. "Who was that voice I heard?" She asked. "That will be me." Aknamkanon said, catching her attention. "I came to make you into the angel you were meant to be, and to help a certain someone congratulate you." He moved aside as another orb expanded to show Cecilia, who was tearing up with joy. "oh my child! You did it! " She squealed as she hugged Isla, going through her. Tearing up she smiled and hugged back. "I believe we have to go, we don't have that much time to stay. Take care, both of you." Aknamkanon spoke. Cecilia let go of Isla and cupped her face. "I'm so proud of you my daughter. Be careful will you? Oh! and you'll help her get settled in, right?" She said, gesturing towards the Clone, who hid behind Jeff. 

Isla nodded, smiling. "Goodbye mother." She whispered as Cecilia and Aknamkanon faded away. " do we explain this to the citizens??" Jeff asked. "We'll deal with that. You can help introduce her to the others." Isla said as she placed a hand on the clone's shoulder. She spread her wings, ready to fly until she noticed something different: The wing tips were golden. She smiled, kissed Yami's cheek, and flew off to situate the city.

(K you guys, One more chapter until this story is finally finished!!!)

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