Chapter 1

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Irina lay in bed, tears glazed over her eyes. They felt heavy, but she still couldn't seem to drift off to sleep. She twisted over.

"Midnight..." she muttered, pulling the blankets further over her.

Irina was an averaged height girl with light brown hair. The faint red glow of the alarm clock showed off her bright blue eyes that at the moment seemed dull. Getting up out off her warm bed, she decided to have a drink. She crept downstairs, trying her hardest not to make noise, as that'd wake her mother.

She stood silently in her kitchen, staring out of the window overlooking the garden, she wiped her eyes. Irina smiled widely, but it was cut short by a loud crash, followed by a resounding, repetitive beep coming from outside. Irina's eyes widened as she raced upstairs, trying not to be caught awake. She instantly went to her window to inspect the noise.

"What?" Her voice was slightly shaky as she watched what was unfolding.

The car across the street was completely crushed and a boy, around her age, was laying on the road. Irina's hands quickly rose to her face, she let out a small yelp and fell back off of her bed. They had made eye contact. She slowly peaked over the side of her bed, she couldn't move, her throat felt dry and her breathing was fast and shallow. The boy was stood in her window.

B-But how? That's impossible, my window is too high! The only way to get up here is to... fly.

Irina's eyes studied the boy. They quickly widened as she realised this wasn't a boy. He had deep red skin, two large horns and a tail. He growled showing off his vampire-like teeth, before raising a hand and showing off razor-sharp nails. Irina suddenly felt her eyes grow heavier and then darkness.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Irina's eyes slowly opened, she was wrapped up warmly in her bed. Sunlight streaming in through her window. She reached over and hit her alarm clock and stretched her arms up. She got up and started to get changed into her school uniform.

Was last night just a bad dream?

She walked towards her door when she noticed a folded piece of paper on her desk with Sorry Scribbled on. Irina picked it up and slowly unfolded it, her throat felt dry as she started reading.

I'm sorry about last night. I'm not quite sure about what happened and I may have overreacted by putting you to sleep. I hope you can forgive me.

Yours faithfully, Blaise.

Irina quickly slammed the note down on her desk and rushed off downstairs. Her eyes were wide and other than that she was expressionless. She grabbed her lunchbox and shoved it into her bag, she looked at the clock in the hall. 7:36. She slipped on her shoes and threw her bag over her shoulder and left for school.

The walk to school isn't too long, about ten minutes. She gets to walk past lovely views, the river being her favourite. The river runs mostly along Irina's path to school only turning and going down a hill about two minutes away from the school and Irina has to walk over an old wooden bridge to get there. She took a deep breath in and stepped off the bridge, apparently it's bad luck not to do it. Or, that's what she keeps telling herself every time she walks to school.

One, two, three, four. Take a second and watch the birds soar. Eight, seven, six, five. Take a breath before taking the dive.

Irina smiled, doing that always seemed to fill her with joy. She never understood why this gave her so much joy nor how she learnt the rhyme and why she felt so compelled to say it, but that's just what happens.

Now, she just needed to cross the busy road to get into school. She stood and waited, staring at the red man on the traffic lights.
"Stupid cat!" Some woman nearby said, their voice filled with distaste. Irina looked down, her eyes following this small ginger cat as it trotted down the path and without looking running across the road. Irina felt time almost stop as she watched the school bus, at a speed definitely over the limit, travelling closer to the cat that won't be able to move out of the way in time. Without even thinking it through, Irina's legs started running after the cat, she jumped out into the road narrowly missing a car. She yelped out in fear. She saw the bus not slowing down and Irina grabbed the cat who was laying on the road paralysed in fear and held it close to her. Irina tensed as the bus sped past her, the force of the bus alone was enough to send her almost toppling over. Irina ran over to the other side of the road and placed the cat down.
"There you go little buddy! Be more careful next time!" She pat the cat on the head before standing up and walking into school.

Irina's school was the perfect mixture of an old building with modern enhancements. She smiled humming the tune of the rhyme as she walked into the building with a step close to a skip. She smiled brightly at every teacher she passed and quickly ducked her head to stare at the floor whenever she passed other students. Until she bumped into someone with enough force to send her toppling over.

"Gah- gosh! I... Um... I... I'm... Um, s-sorry!" She muttered, still muttering the other person spoke up.

"Don't worry about it, it was my fault anyway. I should be the one apologising." The voice was deep, but Irina could feel the sincerity in it. Out the corner of her eye, she could see the boy pick something up off of the floor. "What's your name?" The boy spoke, standing back up again.

"Um... m-my name... it's um."

Why can't I say my name, I've never struggled THIS much at saying it before.

"Her name is Irina." She recognised the voice and quickly spun around to look at them.

"Arthur!" She smiled widely at the sudden appearance of her best friend. Irina gathered up the courage to look at the person she bumped into. Her heart skipped a beat.

"I-it's you..." It was the demon from last night, only now he was wearing the school uniform. The demon, or Blaise as the note said, was staring intensely at Arthur. More specifically his staff that was disguised as an umbrella, Arthur was an exorcist. Blaise's attention quickly drew to Irina as she made that comment. Blaise stepped towards Irina and Arthur quickly stood between them.

"What do you want with my friend." Irina had never heard Arthur sound like this before.

"Business you don't need to concern yourself with." Blaise responded matching Arthur's tone. They both stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, while Irina watched them feeling like a small child, helpless.

"Arthur! My office now!" A high pitched yap came from behind them.

"Yes, Miss Morriss. Irina, I'm sure our dear friend here won't cause you any trouble." Still staring Blaise in the eyes, he smirked and walked off towards the teacher, giving Irina a large smile before leaving.

Irina and the demon were now alone.

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