Chapter 3

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Irina and Arthur were sat in maths, they were sat next to each other in the back corner of the classroom. They were always gossiping about someone.

"Ahem." Their maths teacher smiled. Their teacher was your basic kind of teacher, wearing a shirt and short tight skirt, stockings and heels. "As you all may know we have quite a few new students that have just joined our school today, four to be exact." The teacher then motions to the door, where Blaise and Ciar stood. The teacher watched over the room like a hawk, trying to figure out where to sit them. She looked over to the two empty seats by her desk.

"If she stares any harder, she's going to end up turning someone into stone." Arthur whispered to Irina. They both erupted into laughter. The teacher went to sit Blaise and Ciar into the empty seats, when she heard Arthur and Irina's laughter.

"Arthur, by my desk with Ciar." Irina instantly froze. She looked helplessly at the teacher, before making eye contact with Arthur.

"But, Miss—" Arthur protested before being cut of by the teacher.

"Blaise, next to Irina." Arthur slowly moved, looking to Irina and whispering apologies to her. Arthur and Blaise glared at each other as they passed. Blaise feeling more comfortable as he noticed Arthur's staff was no longer with him. Blaise sat down next to Irina, she still felt uncomfortable around him. But they were friends now, so they shared a slight smile.

The lesson felt like it was dragging on for hours. Irina stared at the clock, still twenty minutes left of the lesson. She looked down at her page, she'd only noted down a few things. She couldn't help but keep glancing at Blaise.

What was his deal? Why is a demon at our school? .... Wait, why is he staring at me?!

Blaise was looking down at her but not in a mean way, he looked sympathetic and had a slight smile on his face.
"Hey..." he spoke in a soft tone and Irina slightly jumped, she hesitantly looked over to him and tilted her head questioning him. Blaise seemed almost frozen for a while and Irina could feel the awkward tension between them. "Could I... borrow a pen?" Blaise finally spoke looking down at his page in defeat.
Irina nodded a grabbed a spare pen out of her bag and sliding it to him, she looked at Blaise and saw there was nothing wrong with his own pen but she decided against questioning him as their conversation was already awkward enough.

The bell for the end of the lesson finally rang and Irina gathered her things and got up, she shared a smile with Blaise before catching up to Arthur. Arthur lightly pushed Irina's arm and apologised for having to move seats.
"Ugh, that Blaise really pisses me off." Arthur said leaning on the railing at the top of the staircase. Irina laughed slightly.
"What's your problem with him?" She laughed in return.
"Oh come on! There's something so... off about him. First, I come into school today and he looks like he's about to start a fight with you. Second, he thinks he's so cool because he doesn't talk or whatever. It's just so — wrong!" Arthur sounded genuinely mad about this.
"I don't think he's that bad, and you've got to admit you were also contributing to him disliking you." Irina smiled slightly Arthur, however, just stayed quiet.
"I'll meet you at break..." Arthur said, walking down the stairs in the direction of his next lesson and Irina turned and walked off to hers.


All through Irina's next lesson she couldn't help but think about what Arthur said about Blaise and how awkward her conversation with Blaise was. She let out a large sigh and started absent-mindedly drawing in her book.

After a short while Irina had the strong feeling she was being watched. She paused what she was doing and looked around herself, trying not to draw attention as she was still in the middle of class. She couldn't spot anything so she turned her attention back to her drawing. This is when she realised she had drawn Blaise, in his demon form, surprisingly well. Irina had never been one for drawing so this piece felt uncanny to her, especially considering she wasn't paying attention in the slightest to what she was drawing. Irina ended up shrugging it off as the bell for the end of the lesson had just rung. She slipped the drawing into the bag and left the class before quickly glancing over the room just to check.


Irina went to her and Arthur's usual spot under the stairs at the older part of the building, as that part of the school is practically abandoned and it's surprisingly warm in the winter. She sat down quietly and grabbed a snack out of her bag. Arthur still hadn't shown up, and she was getting slightly worried as it was now five minutes into break and Arthur always made a strong effort not to be late to things. She started thinking of if he'd maybe gotten into a fight with Blaise as they weren't the friendliest with each other.

A voice murmured up the stairs from Irina, this was very unusual as the doors to this part of the building are always locked and to get over here requires you having to climb through a window in what used to be the art block. That's when the other voice spoke this voice was much deeper and Irina recognised this one. It was Blaise's voice. Irina's heart skipped a beat.

Is he following me?

She first thought. She then went on to realise that they didn't even know she was there. Not wanting to invade their privacy, Irina went to slip back into the main building but she was suddenly plagued with curiosity on why they were there, so she paused. Suddenly Arthur kicked the door open.
"Hey Iri! Sorry I'm late!" He cheerfully said, beaming widely at Irina. "I was thinking about what you said and I think I'm gonna give that Blaise another chance!" He then looked to Irina and saw the pure fear in Irina's face as she quickly shut her eyes and cringed. "What's—" Arthur started but was cut off by Blaise walking down the stairs, closely followed by someone they both didn't recognise. A girl about the same age as them with a dark orange hair and instead of a uniform a tight short dress with sleeves that drooped over her hands.
"A second chance?" Blaise questioned "what's that supposed to mean?" Arthur's face dropped as he questioned in a low voice,
"What are you doing here?" He composed himself and smiled slightly. "This areas off limits to students."
"I should be asking you the same thing!" Blaise barked back. The girl behind Blaise took a deep breath and spoke.
"We should leave, Blaise." She said in a monotone voice.
"But—" Blaise tried to argue back but sighed in defeat. They went to leave but Arthur used his staff, that he'd somehow managed to get back, to block the door.
"Not so fast." Arthur smiled, "I wanna know why you're here." Blaise shivered and stepped back not taking his eyes off of the weapon.
"You shouldn't have a weapon in school." Blaise snapped back, trying to think quickly.
"This isn't a weapon though..." Arthur questioned Blaise. They both stared at each other, the tension was so tight that it was giving off a claustrophobic feeling.
Irina shrunk back slightly. The girl in the dress looked over to Irina and smiled sweetly.
"I'm sorry about Blaise, he's a little.... how would you say it around here.... um, rough. But he wouldn't hurt a fly." Irina didn't respond. The girl sighed and walked in between Arthur and Blaise. "C'mon boys, let's wrap this up shall we?" She said grabbing them both by the wrists and dragging them away. Irina sighed once they had left and slid down the wall, hugging her knees.

The bell for next lesson rung and Irina quietly slunk off to her next lesson.

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