Heart break

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This is not a poem, at least not yet, it's just a few of the lines I had though of tonight.

Heart break hurts
Not because your love is over
But because they stopped loving you
You were no longer the one they wanted
You weren't as important to them as you though you were
You suddenly realize
That no matter how hard you try
People can and always will leave you
With no second thought
Nothing lasts forever.

When the person i loved
No longer loved me
I saw how easily forgotten I am,
How little i matter
How insignificant i truly am
And when I was already doubting myself
It hurt so much more than I realized
I cried
For months
When I stopped crying
I couldn't stop thinking
Every song we used to share ruined my day
Every movie I watched, that we had spoken about, broke me
I had known abandonment before but heart break was new
I had finally learned to trust
Finally learned to love
But now
I can't...
I can't trust people anymore
I cant love someone as fully as I loved them
I cant walk home without worrying  if my friends are going to leave me, or if I'll get stabbed in the back.
I wonder if it would be easier to just die now.
To get it over with
To save me from more heartbreak
Because if that's the cost of loving someone...
I dont know if I could do it.
Who would bother to tear down my walls
To cuddle me when I'm feeling touch starved
To hold my hand when we are walking
And to wait till I'm ready to be loved again,
To support me while I try to trust.
No one....
No one would bother to break down these walls.
To be my knight in shining armour.
I don't know if I would want them to anymore,
Besides, no one deserves a disappoint like me.

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