1 year later

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Katelyn's pov.

Today was the day. The day Me and Travis met. I was so sad I was deviated when I woke up, but Kawaii~Chan my Girlfriend was comforting me I knew I was safe cause I had her. "Katelyn~Sama are you still crying." Kawaii~Chan asked. I just nodded and left I also felt bad cause Lucy was still in the hospital. Her mother and father were with every so often but Zane.... Zane was true to her, he has stayed by her side since.

Travis pov. (His dream)
I was in a field I saw my love Katelyn running in a wedding dress, I looked at myself and saw I was wearing a Tux so I followed my love. I then realized she was marrying Kawaii~Chan. I screamed and yelled tears rolled down my cheeks. Then Kawaii~Chan came over to my and shot me.

I woke up my heart racing I was in a hospital bed hooked up to machine's.  A nurse soon came in and yelled "HES AWAKE CHECK THE GIRL!"  "Ok sweetie we just called your friends there comming to see you."she said calmly. "Wha what happened to me" I asked my voice was shaky and i wanted to know who the girl was. "You were in a comma for about a year but don't worry a nice lady with blue hair will be here and talk to you." She said then left the room. "TRAVIS YOU ALIVE!" Katelyn yelled. "Babe can we go" I looked at her confused. "Oh ya me and Kawaii Chan are together" she said.

I started crying she moved on and i was done for. "Hey it's ok, Kawaii~Chan im sorry but we can no longer be together" said Katelyn, she was holding my hand and trying to stop my tears. "I understand but at least were still besties" she said and walked out of the room.

Zane's pov.
I sat in the chair holding Lucy's hand rembering the days when we were younger. Then her heart monater machine started beeping I looked at her tears were falling out of her closed eyes. They shot up she was breathing heavily I looked over to her and hugged her the gave her a peck on the cheek. "Here " I said while giving her a teddy. Snow was at the edge of the bed sleeping. When Luc saw me and the gang she started crying so much soon her mom and dad were by her side comforting her. "I...I... ugh" she tried to speak but it was useless.

  ~couple days later(btw there out of the hospital)
I was walking around the Neighborhood with Lucy trying to help her start walking again we ended up bumping into both of our mom's. "ZU~ZU YOUR OK" Zianna said squeezing me to death. "Hey baby girl" said Lucy's mom. "You two aren't soul mates right? Cause you know what happened to your sister when I found out she had a soul mate" her mom said. "Uh n no mom w were not" I felt my heart sink when she said that.

Lucy's pov
When we got back home I sat on the couch and told Zane why I lied. It was a promise we made we'd be soul mates forever it may seem dumb but we to this day are still soul mates. When I was done he got a call from his mom and I got a call from my dad. We were told that next Friday were getting together and talking about "Things".

Promise me Zane x reader/ Lucy Book 1Where stories live. Discover now