Chapter one

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"Please Usagi I really want to see the anime con you might find some Powerpuff girls z stuff and Shugo Chara stuff" Sabrina said "and it's not like we have anything else to do and I've had those tickets since the last anime con plz"m
She alway does that how does she do that honestly she know how to win me over, oh and hi my names Usagi I have brown hair held up in a pony tail with a purple bow if you hadn't of guessed that my favourite colour is purple and I'm a Power-puff girl z fan and my favourite puff is bubbles and my favourite rowdy-ruff is brick and I think that butch is a little bit (lot) like ikuto from Shugo chara, oh and the one trying to get me to take her to anime con is Sabrina she has white hair (which is somehow her real hair colour weird I know) she loves the colour or non-colour white as well.
"Alright we can go but we have to get changed first" I say we were in our pjs
After I change in to my outfit (the picture is what she's wearing but with out the belt yet that is and what she looks like) and we got our laptops if we were get some DVD then we'd be able to watch them.
When we got to anime con
"Okay so split up and meet up later" we both said then we said our good byes
I went to find some anime and manga a little bit later I found some ppgz stuff and there was to people at the stoll selling some of the DVD and manga and collectors items (the episode are much better in my point of view) they were a boy around 8-10 and a man wearing ken and the professor outfits
"Hello what would you like to buy here" said ken the sales boy
"Could you please tell me How much is all the DVDs and manga's are all together ken" I said coursing him to smile
"They are free for a sweet girl like you" said the man
"Why thank you" he gave me the stuff and their was a little corner with some chair and sofa's I went there to read a manga and then noticed Sabrina talking (flirting with some guy from our school)

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