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"Uh uh Cali that box goes to the kitchen- And Stop that damn poutin'!"

Cali smacked her teeth as she got a better grip on the box causing her mother, Stacy to squint her eyes at her.

"Keep playin and I'ma bat the piss outcha in front all these white people. Go put it up, now" Stacy gritted out as she sternly pointed towards the kitchen.

Cali quickly fixed her face and walked to the kitchen to put the dishes away.

"Why the long face babydoll?" Keith, Cali's father lifted her chin

"Ion wanna be here daddy. This ain't home" Cali's lip started to quiver. It's been two weeks since Katrina and her parents refused to go back to a place where they were called refugees. They stayed in Georgia with a family friend for the first week before her mother got a job offer at a hospital in Houston.

"Home is where the heart is doll. You my heart and you tryna leave your old man?" He poked her side causing Cali to smile

"No daddy but what about New Orleans?"

Keith sighed "Cal New Orleans just ain't the same no mo'" he kept it short and simple.

Cali sighed and nodded

"You too damn pretty to be frownin like that na'" he nudged her chin

She fixed her face and finished putting the dishes away.

"When you done, go help ya mama in the living room while I help bring in mo' stuff"

Cali nodded as she put the last dish away.

"And Cali"

She turned to her father waiting for him to speak

"I love you" he smirked

She giggled and walked back to give him a hug

"I love you too daddy"


1 month later

"Cali get down here before you miss the bus! I can't be late for work today!" Stacy yelled up the stairs as she stood in her pink scrubs.

"I'm comin' ma!" Cali yelled back as she slipped on her shoe and ran down the stairs.

"Behave today Cali!" Stacy yelled out as she watched Cali climb onto the bus.

"Yes ma'am!"

Cali quickly found a seat and caught her breath

"Aye Cali!"

She smacked her teeth knowing it was somebody wanting pick on her.

"What you want boy?"

"How it feel to finally shower with clean water, Baybeh" he mocked

"Bitch I wasn't even in the storm, stupid ass" she rebuked

"Smell like it!" A girl blurted out causing the group she was in to laugh.

"Girl fuck you" Cali squinted

"I wouldn't let your dirty ass touch me with a 10 foot pole" the kids on the bus "ooed" as they waited for Cali to respond.

"How bout I beat you wit it instead" Cali stood up only to be pulled back down

"Nah don't let them get you mad. they like that shit" a girl whose name was Trina shook her head

Cali smacked her teeth and yanked her arm from Trina "girl boo you don't even like me."

"Says who? I got family from New Orleans. you think I like hearing them talk shit?"

Cali turned to face Trina, her face softening "my bad I'm just tired of people messin with me."

"It's cool I understand. Friends?" Trina smiled and held her hand out

"Yeah" Cali smirked and shook her hand

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