Knowing You

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You entered the mansion and were greeted by four other men. You knew them. You saw them. They were all there. All of them. You saw them at the restaurant you worked at. You looked at the tallest boy, the one with the blond hair who had spilled the drink on you.

"Well Well, what do we have here?" The muscular one spoke with a smirk. But just before you could snap at him the boys put the cloth over your mouth, and before you know it, you passed out...again.


You regained your consciousness. "Well well, looks like princess is awake." the rectangular smile boy spoke.

You scanned the room as you questioned the boys, "Where am I?"

You were on a chair, your hands were tied to the arm rest. You kept your legs tightly shut because you were still wearing that dress. The color of the room was bright blue and some green, there were boarded gold lines running through where the two colors met. There were also some white designs printed. There were TVs and computers. This looked like some of a technology room.

"Like we're gonna tell you." the minty haired boy spoke.

"But-" before you could finish the sentence the blond hair spoke.

"First tell us what you saw." You just looked down not answering for what he had asked. "When I ask you something....I expect an Answer!" he yelled at you.

"Nothing..." you said still making no eye contact.

"You make everything too difficult." he growled at you. The minty haired boy let out a frustrated sigh and walked up behind you. He put a knife against your neck.

"Speak."he demanded. Although you couldn't see his face you felt his eyes piercing through your soul. He bought the knife closer to your neck.

"I saw that the black haired dude was killing the man pleading for mercy and and was telling him to let him go..." you answered.

"See now that wasn't so hard now, was it?" minty hair asked. He stepped away from you and went back to where he was before.

"Whats your name?" the blond hair boy asked. Again you remained silent, earning a few grunts and sighs.

"Kitten always playing hard to get." the black haired boy commented.

"Pull up files of her." The blond hair boy spoke to who seemed to be a worker working for him. He started typing and started working. We weren't the only ones in the room. He had around 3 or 4 others working, all wearing the same outfits.

"Boss..." he called out, "I found it." The blond hair boy walked over to him and smirked.

"Name, Kim y/n. XX years old." He spoke. Your head quickly shot up in his direction,"Likes; Drawing, dancing, singing..." He read on and on,"Dislikes; Spiders...and mafia." His lips formed into a smirk when he read that. "Well this is going to be interesting." He said as he walked over to you and stood in front of you. "Now kitten let us introduce ourselves, I am Namjoon, Kim Namjoon also known as RM, the leader."

" Kim taehyung or you can call me V."

"Jeon Jungkook."

"Park jimin, but for you its master."

"Kim seokjin, you can call me Jin, PS I'm the oldest."

"Jung hoseok or J-hope. Hobi works too."

"Min yoongi but call me Suga."

"Now, I'll give you two choices. Either you die or you can choose to work for us...forever." You looked him in the eye and bit your bottom lip. You wanted both, but mostly death.

"I- I- I'll work for y-you....." You finally muttered.

He smirked, "But sadly it comes with a few conditions, now that you have chosen, you can't change. One, you will do as we say and always obey us no matter what. Two, don't try to escape. Three, you will have consequences if you do any of the above. Four...well, there is no four."

"W-what! No! This isn't fair" You yelled.

"It is."he spoke up as Jimin threw you over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!"You kept moving and yelling. But then he smacked your ass. Seriously what a bad day to wear a dress...You thought to yourself. The boys were all walking behind him, which means yes, they were able to see your back. They were snickering and chuckling. He threw you on the couch. You let out a heavy sigh as you sat. You looked on the wall and it was 1 in the afternoon. What was I supposed to do? You thought as you let out a sigh.

"Y/n. go take a shower. You need to freshen up." J-hope said as he came and sat on the couch.

"Come, I'll take you to my room so you can get ready." Jungkook spoke up. You got up and followed him.

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