Bad News

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You were sleeping peacefully, until you heard a loud bang. Someone came busted open the door and came into your room. "Y/N! We have to go now! They're here!" You got out of bed and followed the boys. You guys ran out the house and got into two separate cars. "Whats happening you guys? Can someone please tell me?" You asked them as you turned around and saw BTS's men fighting some other men.

Jimin started the car and started zooming his way away from the house. "We were under attack, turns out a war broke loose between two groups and they ended up making their way here. Since they attacked us, I'm afraid we're involved into the war as well." Taehyung told you. "Call Jin and ask them if they have everyone." Jimin spoke up. Jungkook took out his phone and called Jin. "Yeah...mhmm...we got her hyung...yes....ok." He ended the call. "They have everyone. He told us to head to the hotel and make sure no one is chasing us. Also to change the license plate at some point." He explained whatever Jin had told him. "Okay." Jimin replied before speeding up some more.

After sometime you guys were going normal speed until someone hit the back of the car. You and Taehyung turned around just to see people were chasing you. "Umm Hyung...we got company..!" He said. Jimin picked the speed up once again and started passing all the cars in the front. You heard the police sirens go off. Now the police was involved as well. There were cops and enemy chasing you guys. Jimin turned on the blinkers to go left but took a sharp right turn loosing most of the people chasing after you. He continued driving fast as Jungkook put on a mask and pulled out a gun. He started shooting at the cars chasing you guys. Taehyung put on and his mask and joined him as well. You turned around and saw a car loose it's control and crash into the side of the road, soon exploding and covering itself in flames. The other car sped up and caught up to guys.  Taehyung shot the driver which caused the car to go to the side and tumble down the road landing upside down. Now it was the police they were worried about. Jimin once again took a turn to the right while signaling a turn to the left.  This time he lost all the cars that were chasing you guys.

He bought you guys to a less crowded road and stopped the car at the emergency lane. There they told you to sit in the car in case of any attacks or anything. Taehyung and Jungkook changed the license plate while you and Jimin sat in the car. "Hyung, If you want I can drive." Taehyung told Jimin. They both switched out and you guys made your way onto the road again.

You guys finally got to the hotel after sometime. There you met the rest of the boys who were resting in the lobby. "Are you guys ok? Anyone injured badly?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah, we're good." Taehyung answered. "Okay good, we're fine as well." Yoongi added.

Namjoon was greeted by one of the workers. Maybe they owned the hotel...You thought. Namjoon came back with some cards. "We have three rooms we have to figure out whose going to stay with who." Namjoon spoke while looking at everyone. "So...We'll have two rooms with three people and one room with two?" Jimin asked. "Mhmm." Namjoon hummed in repsonse. Everyone looked at each other.

Oh God...Not again...

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