(Carmen x Julia) City Skylines and the Sunrise

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The night found Julia awake, tossing and turning. Earlier that evening she had argued with Devineaux again over the latest piece of evidence from Le Femme Rouge's crime scene. It was only a torn fragment of cloth, but Chase had argued it's significance to his conviction of Carmen Sandiego's villianry until she felt like screaming.  Her anger had followed her home, and was still smoldering in her chest, keeping her awake.

The bedside clock struck 5:00am, but Julia had yet to sort out her feelings. Frustrated, the detective threw aside the covers and put on her glasses. 

Maybe a early morning stroll will help 

Having an apartment near the top of the complex made it easy to access the roof. It was her favorite place to curl up with a book under the stars or puzzle out the latest case A.C.M.E. had opened. 

But when Julia reached the roof, she noticed her usual spot by the furthest edge was occupied. A silhouette of a women, outlined against the bright starshine, with a familiar crimson hat resting by her side.

Her sharp intake of breath was stolen by the soft wind.

It did not take long for the A.C.M.E. agent to clear the roof space, standing just behind the Lady in Red. The thief must have heard her approach, but she did not run or acknowledge her presence.

"Ms. Sandiego, I presume?"

Julia flinched at the sound of her own voice, sharp in the still night air, full with a strange sense of amusement and interest. Not at all her usual M.O. Perhaps the familiar setting had given her the confidence to say something first for a change.


Carmen didn't move, just continued to stare off into the distance, but Julia could see a faint smile ghosting across her features.

"I really gotta step up my game if you could tell it was me Jules."

The teasing tone nearly made her falter, but Julia forced her voice to stay steady. Ignoring the blush on her face, she gestured to the resting hat, knowing the motion would not be missed.

"I do not believe you were trying to escape my notice."

Carmen actually smiled, cocking her head slightly to look at the mousy women.

"This time."

"This time."

She agreed. A moment passed, then Carmen pat the space next to her, inviting Julia to join. She did so hesitantly. The agent was faintly aware of the voice in her mind urging her to call the Chief and report Sandiego's appearance, but a larger part of her wanted, no NEEDED, to stay and talk with the infamous thief. The thief seemed melancholy, her posture hunched and her eyes distant. Julia desperately wanted to ask what was wrong, but her earlier courage had vanished now that she was within reaching distance of the very thief she was sent to catch.

"So, Jules. What brings you to the city skyline? I don't often see others on these roves, too risky."

Julia jumped, a little spooked by the sudden question, and answered before she could stop herself.

"I live here. You?"

Well THAT sounded super smooth. Great job Julia. Tell the super thief where you live. Wow.

"Just thinking. The hustle and bustle of my life gets to me sometimes, and I need a break."

"Hmm, understandable."

There was a comfortable silence as Julia toyed with the hem of her shirt. Carmen's gloved hand was drumming on her knee, and Julia felt herself following the movement.

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