twenty two 🦋

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[Time skip,but it goes along with the goes nothing...the chapter I've been dreading posting]

22 weeks

Ally pulled into her driveway, slightly confused a to why a car she didn't recognize was parked in her driveway. Maybe Jaden invited a friend over?

Hesitantly the blonde girl stepped out of her car walking up to her door and pushing it open as she noticed the white Vans she'd never seem there before.

She walked to the kitchen and set her keys down when she reached for a water and heard a loud laugh from upstairs. And her heart almost stopped. It sounded like a woman.

No, Jaden wouldn't do that? Would he?

Ally sighed and slipped off any accessory she may have had on that made noise. She slowly made her way to the stairs, feeling Promise kick at her stomach.

She slowly made her way upstairs and peered around the corner into the crack of her door to her and Jaden's room. And she placed a hand over her mouth as she saw them.

A brunette girl laying in the bed naked as Jaden sat next to her, laughing and talking. Ally let out a gasp and Jaden's head shot up, eyes falling on her and going wide in realization that he had been caught in the act.

Tears stung in Ally's eyes as she turned around, rushing down the stairs as she heard Jaden yelling her name.

"Ally wait...I can explain!" He yelled running down the stairs as he struggled to tug on sweatpants.

Ally turned around and stared at him with disgust in her eyes. Every ounce of love she once had for him was replaced with more and more hatred as the seconds passed.

"Explain what? That I caught you?" She replied.

"I- No- You..." Jaden stuttered over his words and Ally scoffed.

"I'm done Jaden. I should've known this wouldn't last. The moment anything actually starts to go well for us you go and screw it up!" Ally exclaimed.

"That's not fair!" Jaden replied.

"Not fair? No what's not fair is that I have done nothing but love and cherish every moment with you and you threw it all away for some whore." Ally replies, tears falling.

"Ally Im-"

"Its Allison. My name is Allison. Don't ever call me Ally again." Ally said angrily cutting him off.

"Allison..I'm sorry.." Jaden spoke as the brunette girl walked downstairs past the couple and out the door.

"Sorry that you cheated or that I found out?" Ally asked.

Jaden bit his lip. "I'm sorry for everything." He answered.

Ally grabbed her keys and shook her head. "You once promised me that we would have everything. We would raise a family together. That you loved me. But clearly those promises meant nothing." She spoke and wiped the tears.

"What do you want me to say?" Jaden asked.

"I don't want you to say anything. I want you take a good fucking look in the mirror and realize the reason nothing good stays in your life is because you drive it all away!" She exclaimed.

Jaden looked at the floor and Ally grabbed her bag walking to the door. She gripped the door handle and sighed.

"Just remember one thing before you go talking about our relationship.." Ally's spoke.

"What's that?" Jaden asked.

"I was the one who loved you when you gave me a million reasons not to." She answered before walking out of the house to her car.

She got in and started the engine. And she just began driving. No idea where she was going or where she wanted to be.

She just needed to get away from him. For a long time.

Maybe even forever.

Jaden watched through the window as she drove away and he gripped his phone before throwing it at the wall and cringing as he heard the glass screen shatter.

She was right. Every good thing in his life was driven away by a mistake he made. He was a horrible person.

He let out a loud screams of anger and heartbreak as he lost his girlfriend and daughter to some random fan he had met.

He got up and walked to the bathroom, flipping the light on and staring at himself in the mirror. He needed to fix this. If he ever wanted her back he was gonna need to do everything he could to get her back.

He stared at his reflection and sighed. He could see it now. He should have never left treatment early to be there for Ally. He knew she understood why he went. But for some reason he couldn't finish it.

And now here he stand once again, tears in his eyes as he balled up his fists and began yelling at himself for fucking up once again.

And finally he threw a hand at the mirror, shatter it and cutting his hand a tiny bit.

He sighed.

Ally wasn't coming back, he knew that.

But somehow he wishes he could change everything that's happened.

He just wants her to be happy.

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 • 𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now