A romantic boy

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Type believed that all great love began by chance ... by chance they looked at each other in the subway, accidentally stuck in an elevator, accidentally touched their hands in passing, by chance heard a voice that made him feel something like butterflies in his stomach, and when they looked at each other love happens at first glance .... and in all that Type only believed because he had zero experience in any kind of love, whether accidental or intentional .... The main source of these thoughts for Type were romance novels and manga... exclusively BL .. For a long time he was aware that he was only attracted to men ... it was obvious because when he watched a movie or series all his attention would be focused on a male character ... when he read a novels he never imagined himself to be the main male character but he will always be a heroine and a damsel in distress.

He imagined that he was traveling by car for a vacation to a small town, then his car would break down ... and while the sun was shining and he was already running out of power, a black jeep would stop beside him. Out of the jeep would come the most handsome man that Type had ever seen ... give him a bottle of water and offer transportation to his villa ... the man would introduce himself as a prince from a foreign country ... though Type wouldn't understand him yet they fell in love on first sight..... But Type in real life was a serious and never smiling President of the Student Council. He was the target of all girls from college. He was tall, very handsome, had a prince's grip and never laughed ... so he had to keep a few secrets from his life at all costs ... first- his mother was one of the most famous actresses who filled the pages of the yellow press with scandals, second - the strict and frowned president is actually otaku who had a really nice collection of romantic novels and movies and third - he is gay ....

When he was a little, mom was never at home and his nanny let him watch TV all day long ... together they watched romantic series and this is where Type developed a love for everything romantic ... since he was quite gentle build the neighborhood kids kept teasing him to look like a little girl ... tiny, big eyes, full lips and a little longer hair, he really looked like a little girl ... when a mother had a break between filming she would always bring in a new "dad" ... and always this new "daddy" got all the attention ... Type was still left to the nanny ... he would often hear the nanny with the other servants talk about his mom, but then didn't understand what they were talking about ... as time went on he began to understand who his mom was ... the tabloids called her the ~eater of men~ ... but as long as she was making money, no one cared about the scandals ... it looked like her son didn't even exist for her ... When at puberty his body began to change, his voice grew deeper, he became a very handsome young man ... but by then Type had already built walls around him, alienated himself from the people. He lived in a world full of romance. Throughout high school he had exceptional results in exams, he even made it to the football team (though it didn't last because simply that teamwork was not for him) the girls ran after him constantly, gave him gifts ... they called him Prince and he just wanted everyone to leave him alone ... and...he wanted to be someone's princess ...

In the first year of college, a rumor spread about the untouchable Prince.  All the girls were crazy about him ... they were guessing who he was and where he was from ... most had a theory that he was the heir to a large corporation ... everything related to him would become immediately a major topic. In the second year of college, someone proposed him as President of the Student Council. He won even though he had almost no campaign ... but all the girls voted for him and it was one of the more convincing election wins ... Type accepted the title. And here he showed how strict he was ... assigning tasks to his associates, arranging everything... but by military, because Type didn't know otherwise .... he didn't organize parties, get-togethers ... it all ended with a few sentences and orders ... and surprisingly, he was the most effective president the college has ever had .... The Prince and his harem - they were called by other students and some professors but everyone had to admit that everything worked fine .... Type had a meeting with the Council that day .... the rule was that the cell phones were switched off .... the meeting was delayed a bit but some important decisions were made .... He was already a little tired and upset because new episode of the series already started ... now he will have to search on the internet ... Came to his apartment, turned on the phone and stopped .... 3 calls from mom !!! First thought something terrible happened .... slowly pressed the call key ... the phone rang for a long time and he was not breathing ... finally someone answered:

-"Yeah ... "- It was a sleepy male voice ... 

It wasn't the first time an unknown voice had answered her phone, but the sexy male voice was surprised Type so much that he immediately stopped the phone call. After ten seconds, his phone rang. The display shows -Mama-. He didn't want to answer. He didn't want that voice to be his new "daddy." But the caller persisted. Finally he pressed the button and said:

-"Yes" -he heard that man's voice again: 

- "It's awfully ugly to wake up someone and then hang up!" Type stiffened when he heard that voice again. Sounded so sexy, so dangerous....

-"I... "

-" I don't care what you have to say. My employee found this phone at the Imperial Plaza Hotel ... come and get it !!"...

Type was still sitting, holding the phone to his ear even though the connection had long been broken ... but that voice ... Type felt some shudder in his stomach .... After a few minutes he  recovered from the shock and realized what the man said ... Mom lost her phone !!! What if there was something in the phone whit they could blackmail her ... even though he was tired he stepped up to the shower in a hurry. Quickly wore jeans, shirt and sneakers .... ran to find a cab but by the time he reached Imperial Plaza it was already a deep night ....

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