If he was telling the truth...

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Techno was still a little scared  that Alex would do something to Type, but it was over a month and Alex did nothing. He didn't know if it was a good or bad sign. Alex said he wouldn't do anything but Techno didn't know how much he could trust him.
But, Techno knew that tonight he, Type and Champ were going  out. It's time for Type to learn how to drink. Techno couldn't believe how precious Type  become to him in this short time. Even Champ was ok. Although Techno wanted to hide in the mouse hole every time Champ look at him with special care. It was as if he could read Techno's thoughts. And Techno didn't like it, in fact he was scared and ashamed. Because if Champ could really read his mind, he would see a lot of awful things. But now is not the time to think about it. It's time to get ready to go out.
Techno looked around his small room. People would be uncomfortably surprised to see where an actor lives. Although Techno made decent money, when he sent money to his parents, he could barely survive the month. Fortunately, there was always some food on the set. And his parents were just looking for more. So he accepted jobs that might not have been for him, but as long as they paid, it was bearable. His family was against moving to Bangkok. They wanted him to become a lawyer. Although he did not have  support from them. They couldn't pay him tuition, but they insisted that he work and study so that when he became a lawyer he could get married immediately. And Techno  always wanted to be an actor. He always imitated some movie scenes in front of the mirror, going to the movies whenever his budget allowed. Sometimes he would save up to 15 days just to go to the movies. And then he would look at the big screen as enchanted. The dream grew larger each day until he finally took the courage to tell his parents. And when he finally became an actor and started sending them money, they no longer rebelled.
They made the house first. Techno sends money. The siblings need to be educated. Techno sends money. Parents need medication. Techno sends  money for that too. Then they asked for money to invest in a business with relatives. They made no profit, they just invested more and more money. Every month Techno sending almost everything he earns. When he asked them once about their business, they were angry. They shouted that he did not understand business, because his job was just to laugh at the camera stupidly, and that unlike him, they work all day. After that he never asked them again. He has not been home for 5 years. For 5 years, none of them came to visit him. He didn't know how much longer he could handle this.

Type was excited to finally get to know Bangkok's nightlife. He wanted Tharn to go with them too, but he didn't know if it would be fun for Tharn with Champ and Techno, so he decided not to call him. Champ picked up Type and then they met Techno. As they tried to decide where to go, they realized that no one really had a clue about going out at night. Eventually, they decided to go to one of the most famous nightclubs. Although the queue was long they came in with no problem. The guy at the door was obviously fascinated by Type's beauty ... The club was huge. The music was modern and very loud. On several podiums, players performed various things. Everyone seemed to have a good time. The three of them settled for a table. Champ went for a drink. Type was very happy he immediately pulled out his phone and typed Tharn a message.
~~ We're at some  club called Elysium, I'll just say - wooow. ~~

Tharn read the message. He was surprised but then smiled wickedly. ~~Some club ?! My sweet naive Type. It's the best club in town. ~~
He called one number and dictated a couple of orders.

Then he replied to the message: ~~ Never heard of that club. If you like it so much we can go together sometime. ~~

Type laughed at the answer and typed:

~~ This is not a club for people your age, I'll take you to a retirement dance. ~~

Techno and Champ were looking at Type, who was looking at his phone and happily glowing like a neon bulb. Then they looked at each other and seize Type's  phone..
- "No, no, return my phone! I'm waiting for a reply. Just one more message and I'll leave my phone!"

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now