Desires, reality and possibilities...

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Tum stiffened. Words couldn't get out of his mouth. Not possible! It is not possible that he was recognized! But ... wait, what does this man say? ...

- "Am I right? You're that ballad singer .... Sorry I didn't recognize you right away."

Tum barely spoke:

- "Yeah, it doesn't matter. I'm not singing anymore." (He thinks to himself: oh my goodness he still didn't recognize me)

- "It's important, you are a celebrity. As a TV station and magazine owner I should be more aware of some things but I only care about money so ..."

Tum nodded his head affirmatively, though he didn't even listen to what Alex was saying.

- "Well then, sir, I apologize, I'm taking you to a nice place."

- "Oh, you don't have to. It's okay really. I'm not in the business anymore. I'm just a ordinary  Tum."

- "Ordinary huh? Tum, you may be quite a lot but ordinary, nooo, you are not."

 Tum did not know what to say;  tingling sensations went over his body again.

- "I don't listen ballads but there was one song a couple of years ago when I was just starting to get serious about the media. I know it was on all tv and radio stations ... it was kind of heart and ..."

- "Heart of Glass."

- "Yesss! Oh God, how boring that song was."

Tum started laughing until tears ran down his face. When he calmed down, he managed to say:

- "I think you're the only person who has ever said that for my   song."

- "Really? I always thought if your career died, it must have been because of that song ..."

Tum started laughing again ...

- "You're actually right, that song was the end of my career."

Type felt like he'd been in bed for a month. Tharn was bathing him, feeding him, fucking him ... he had the feeling that his whole body was like jelly. Tharn had a stamina that was inhuman. With him, Type was turning into a sex addict, but he didn't care, enjoyed every second of it. Type hasn't been in contact with anyone for days. He didn't even know where his phone was. When Tharn was at work, he would sleep. As soon as Tharn came home from work they  make love for hours ... Type's  skin was covered with love bites, his nipples were so sensitive that they would swell even if the blanket touched them lightly, his lips were swollen and a little numb ... but none of that mattered. What Type felt was happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment ... He felt hungry but Tharn was still at work. Type tried to get up but his feet did not listen. He saw the phone, peeking under the clothes he had removed when they returned from Elysium. He couldn't remember how many days it was. Somehow was able to reach phon, pulled  charger out of the drawer. A couple of emails, messages from Champ ... and that's it ... He called the Tharn number:

- "Ooo the love of my life has awakened."

Type put a smile on his face when he heard those words.

- "I'm awake and hungry."

- "Oh baby, I have some more work to do. I don't know when I'll be home. Can you hold on a little longer."

- "Mmm, but just so you know I think you are neglecting me and...  little Type."

Tharn laughed at those words. In the past days, they only parted ways when Tharn really had to go to work. Tharn was aware that he was acting like a crazy person, but simply as soon as he saw Type he immediately had to dig deep into him. While his dick was deep in Type, Tharn was the happiest, the most peaceful, the most relaxed. He was aware that he had to set some boundaries, he was afraid of pushing Type over the edge, but the boy driving him crazy. Type was so naive, so graceful and soft. Type was the essence of happiness and love. He was an angel sent to save Tharn's lost soul.

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Where stories live. Discover now