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Welcome bitches to another chapter where I decide to do random shit and publish it! It's the third year anniversary of me seeing that gay moment and shipping this couple. So we'll take the highway to heaven on the 101 and let's see just where it goes. Skrr pull in the coupe beep beep. 

Note that I haven't watched miraculous ladybug with interest since 2 years ago!!!

Luka looked into Adrien's eyes as he strutted like a model along the aisle with a couple of the late guests/helpers sneaking into their seats as quietly as possible. The noise didn't bother two of them as they rather focus on the positive as they are finally coming together to do the last step of being instagram official according to Chloe Bourgeois. The latter was quite visible in the front row with her expensive Chanel outfit, of course curtesy of them labeling her as their brand ambassador. 

He glanced at Marinette and Kagami who were kind of their maid of honor and best man but they were gay so they could change up the roles a little bit. Just five more minutes and their life would change for the better. This was something he looked forward to for nearly years since they started dating. Was this how his mom felt when she got married to his late dad? Luka had to mentally prepare himself since he didn't think it would have been that difficult to get married to someone who was practically married to him. 

His short breaths made Kagami squeeze his arm in reassurance as Adrien beamed at his mother (is she really evil now?) before facing the love of his life. Like any cliched movie, Adrien took Luka's hands as the pastor (is that what they are called?) began reciting the familiar instructions from the rehearsal a few days ago. Luka took one glance at the crowd again and he could see all of his friends and family cheering for both of them. 

Adrien on the other hand felt more anxious and nervous then Luka because of a recent event with his father. He tried to convince his dad to come to the wedding, despite having the chance to meet with his ex-wife and getting his name even "tarnished" for attending a gay wedding. Apparently Gabriel Agreste's main concern is to protect the brand rather than his own son. He should have known better than to attempt to reconnect with his estranged father. It was the old childhood memories that made him still believe in his golden heart that his father could be redeemed once more. Alas, Nathalie and Gorilla still attended so that's worth much more than his father in a suit. 

He remembered the days when he used to have some feelings for Kagami and Marinette, but those were times when he was figuring himself out in the world. It had been instilled in his mind that only men and women relationships were allowed, but being with Luka changed so much for him. This was the guy he wanted to spend the end of his days with, the one who could listen to his rants about learning to be a normal person, and the only one who would ever understand how it was to lose a father figure. At least both of their bothersome fathers couldn't attend, even if one could have if he didn't have the internalized homophobia. 

No. Today was Adrien's BIG day not his father's attempt of glamming him up in some photoshoot just to save money on models. His father made his choices, and now Adrien is making his by especially changing his last name. 

"Adrien Agreste, please state your vows." 

"I promise to cherish you like you are my everything and love you the way you deserve. I hope we call be in each other's embraces every morning and night, and learn new things about each other even after marriage. I love you, Luka Couffaine"

"Now, Luka Couffaine, please state your vows." 

"I promise to love you and understand you every single day. I know you aren't a very normal person since you did ask me about what was rent a couple years back. But I love you for being this bright ball of sunshine who is willing to help despite not knowing anything. I love you a lot, Adrien Agreste." 

"With the power invested in me, I pronounce you both, Husband and Husband. You may now kiss the groom." With that, the pastor had a small grin as he saw the newly weds kiss each other passionately. It was a soft kiss much different from their normal kisses, but Marinette and Kagami reminded them earlier on that it had to be family approved. Especially when Alya and Nino already had little kids who were quite adorable at being ring bearer and flower girl. 


The newly wedded couple watched their reception as people began dancing to the music being played. Adrien was relatively tired by the end of the day, as he did spend most of his youth pouring his energy into meaningless activities. Luka suggested they dance anyways and they happened to begin getting into their magical own world of just them. 

It reminded the both of their of their weekly dances in the kitchen while doing their chores. Nothing stopped them from loving each other and nothing will ever interrupt it. 

It might be the end of this book but just remember the possibility of all of these possibilities being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen. Or in other words, another update may or may not come depending if the author is willing to write. 

Let's say everyone lives happily ever after, and no one dies.

Adrien and Luka have a healthy relationship with two cats and potentially two kids. 

Kagami caught whatever kind of bouquet was thrown on accident due to her fast reflexes...now Marinette is bugging her to propose already but doing it in the usual subtle Marinette way. 

I forgot about the rest of the characters but they are doing well too. 

And of course Chloe is rocking her Chanel deal with Jennie Kim. 


Anygays, if you are reading this story, I want to ask what do you consider yourselves now in terms of LGBTQA+ or even as an ally? I think after reading/writing gay fanfics for awhile, it makes me wonder if I am gender fluid...like some days I want to be a guy and then some days I want to be a girl. Other than that, I consider myself mostly biromantic who really wants a girlfriend but I still drool over hot men. 

Thanks for almost 10k and since that was happening and last time it hit 5k so it only makes sense to publish whatever this was. 

Come hang out at my current account because that's where I will most likely respond! I only check this account when I check out the email for this account aka once every blue moon. 

In general if you wanna talk here, you can! Just remember I won't respond quickly as I would on the above linked account

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In general if you wanna talk here, you can! Just remember I won't respond quickly as I would on the above linked account. ==> 

Stay Miraculous, 


𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕖𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥: LUKA X ADRIEN OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now