In the Woods

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Warning: Contains multiple triggers including but not limited to blood violence and references to domestic abuse.

A/N Alright here is the main story as said it's a short story not like 20 chapters but this is like the first story I've published on here and probably my first ever completed published work fanfic or otherwise. If I make any mistakes your comments will be helpful also tell me if I'm doing stuff right too thank you enjoy it.

   I looked over the sprawling landscape with hazel blue eyes the sun is just coming up. Shup-Shuppet sounded from over your shoulder as Shuppet awoke and popped its head out of your backpack. It was already a nice temperature for the outskirts of the fuchsia city. It was late spring which meant it usually in the majority of the Kanto region was nice not stupid hot, humid, or cold. I made my way down from the overlooking hillsides heading into the city for the Pokemon center.
   The hope was to annoy grumpy old retired Koga a bit and challenge as many trainers as I could. I'd do this all while staying clear of my crushes they never came here. Also Avoiding my two stalkers. Hopefully, I sweat dropped at the thought of dealing with the champion Gold or his rival Silver.
   I ran my fingers through my long blonde hair and sighed. I sat down to eat at the Pokemon Center as I reminisced about my time in Kanto. After I'd gotten a pokemon I'd at first tried the gym challenge but lost interest quickly. So I just sorta started moving all over Kanto training my Shuppet and learning new things.
   Admittedly being in the cult had screwed me up. Surprising they hadn't completely succeeded in brainwashing me. My social skills sure we're shit. However, the elite, gym leaders, former, and current region champions all were told of this. So naturally, they helped me out.
     It's how I met my crushes Red and Green. They were both former league champions and Green ran the Viridian City. They had, of course, helped me here and there though both were extremely busy. This was also how I met Ethan Gold. He and Silver were nice and all but I just didn't want to move on from Red and Green yet.
   Sadly it seemed outside doing their jobs as a gym leader and former champion as being helpful community role models I didn't think they liked me really. Red was already quite but he wouldn't talk to me if he didn't have to at all and seemed to just ignore me. Green sorta took to picking on me a but especially for my social inadequacy and low self-esteem.
    I was just finished with my breakfast when a familiar male sat down in front of me followed by another. "Hey Yumi, babe how's it hanging?" I groaned getting up. "I've told you both no a million times stop hounding me like a Poochyena with a bone. I rolled my eyes as Gold immediately looked down. "Not that kinda bone you idiot." Silver corrected him.
    "Look" Silver then huffed "You've said it yourself they're not interested why won't you give us a chance at least me I understand him." Silver pointed at Gold who looked offended. "I not having this discussion again I said walking away refusing to cry at Silver's harsh words regarding Red and Green. They, however, followed me out of the Pokemon center to the edge of the woods. "Come on babe you and I'd be great just pick one of us?" Gold pleaded.
   I kept going till I heard Gold mutter beside it's not like I haven't proven I'm better then them both. I turned around on my heels to face him my hazel blue eyes burning with anger. "You know something I talked to you two cause I'd thought you'd be cool friends instead you stalk me disrespect me my feelings and disrespect others.
    I looked at them both. "Besides I've heard from past ex's of yours about both you. Gold I heard how at one point Green was a womanizer but he's changed unlike you who are not just a womanizer but a pervert and a misogynistic asshole!  Then you Silver how funny you say you aren't like your Father and have nothing to do with him but how many women left you cause you lost your temper and hit them!"
   Both males looked pissed at this point perhaps that wasn't the proper social norm to yell their flaws at them in the middle of the woods. However, their looks turned to hurt. "I guess your right not to wanna pick either of us look at our track records." Gold said sadly. Silver agreed to look solemn. "Yumi we fell in love with you the moment we saw you. We thought we could change if you picked one of us." said Silver sounding a lot less Silver like and really melancholy.
   I looked at them both shocked and guilty. I'd never realized that they were really that sincere. "Can I think about it? I mean I know your right I can keep waiting for those two to look my way forever. However, I'm not sure which one of you to pick." I said with acceptance lacing my voice along with defeat. Gold Grinned and Silver nodded before saying "Yes please take your time."
  I nodded before I noticed something off. "Wait where's Shuppet she should be in my backpack." I then heard her cry in the distance it sounds distressed. "Wait here it could be dangerous and you have no other Pokemon your safer that way." Gold said as he and Silver ran off further into the woods where my pokemon was heard.
   Ten minutes passed I heard them both scream and ran towards the source. I entered a clearing much like the one is been in prior. Over Gold and Silver's mutilated bodies stood Charizard and Blastoise with their respective trainers at their sides. All four were covered in blood. All four seem to stare at me as I walk up to the bodies burn drowned and torn open bodies. I broke the silence "Why?"
   Red is the one to speak "they were gonna take you from us." My eyes snap up to his which matches the blood everywhere as he looks back expressionless. "Well, crap that's nice seeing I thought you both didn't like me back but what about the bodies." Green at this starts laughing hysterical. Red's expression goes from dead to surprised.
   Shuppet runs from behind Charizard and up my back and into my backpack. I give Gold's body a kick. "what a mess" I say.  Green has stopped laughing at this point and gives Red a psychotic smile. "She really is special." Red steps up to me over Gold. "Sora your really okay with this?" I nod "well yea I was apart of an evil cult I've seen this shit before. However next time may I suggest poison? If done right little to no evidence." Red nods and gives me a dark smile.
    Green then walks up to me as well and kisses my cheek. "to be honest I wasn't sure it works out this well I'd thought we'd have to use force." I give him a psychotic smile of my own. "Who wouldn't want two hot protective men that treat you like your the only thing they care about. Healthy relationships are bullshit I like mine unhealthy thank you. I then kiss him full on the lips not caring about the blood at all. After I finishing kissing Green I do the same with Red. Red's Charizard and Green's Arcnine burn the bodies to nothing and we cover up any sign of what happened. A year later I'm living still with my two yandere boyfriends and am very happy. Who needs health if you're not happy.

The End
I hope you all liked it if their needs to be edits like misspelled words or bad grammar please let me know. Thank you

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