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As I got to the seventh-month mark I have started wearing dresses. Since maternity pants were too much of a pain and dresses are easier to deal with. I hardly wear shoes anymore if so it's either flats or flip flops that way I can slip them on and not have to try and bend over to tie them.

Jacob and Jared got excited when we found out that three of our genes combined together and created our baby which is a girl and we can't be more than happy about it. I never knew that three people could create a baby I always thought it was only two. But our little miracle is proof that three people can create a baby. 

"I hope that when we have more after she is born that their result is just like her's " Jared sadi as we all sat in Sam's and Emily's place talking about different things then the topic of our baby girl came up. "That would be amazing to see and hopefully our next baby will be a boy," Jacob said. I just sat there rubbing my belly and smiled at the two of them.

"She hasn't even graced this world and your both ready for baby number two" Emily joked " Well Tara doesn't seem to care," Paul said and they looked at me. " I have thought about it plenty of times and honestly I want the same thing they do" I reply. 

We all talked a bit more and then we got on the topic of baby girl names. "That was decided already," Jared tells them "ok what will her name be?" Leah said " Sara Emery Cameron black" Jacob announced. "Sound like my imprint" Quil joked and teased Jacob. Jacob looked at him and rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Hey you never know I mean we didn't know that Tara would be both of your two's imprint yet she was and now she is the two of you's baby momma," Embry said.


As I gre bigger and went to my eight month doctors appointment Carilisle had told me that there is a great possiblity that I will go into labor early and that he would have to talk with the elderers and request permission to cross the treay should I not be able to make it to Port Angeles hospital.

From that point on Jared and Jacob has made it their rule that I hardly do anything and they puut me on bed rest which I fought tooth and nail and never stayed in bed long enough.  but they both came up with and agreement that got me to stay. They told me if I allow them to keep me on bed rest that they will both cater to me get what ever I want regaurdless of the time.

I of course agreed and stayied in bed and went I wanted something or needed something they did it or went to get it.

Like right now I asked for some irish cream ice cream and a lotioned belly message. So Jared went and got the ice cream while Jacob went and grabbed the lotion while I stripped dowwn to my bra and panties and covered my lower half and waited.

When they both came back I thanked them and offered some of my ice cream to them but they declinded so I ssat at an angle that way myshoulders was up and I was still laying on my back. Jacob squirted some lotion on my belly and then got right to rubbing it in and messagining it. Which Sara took as fun time to kick daddy's hand.

Jared recorded it while Jacob kepted rubbing and messagining my belly even when theire was no more lotion to message in enjoying feeling Sara kicking his hand.

After while Sara stopped so Jacob stopped rubbing and Jared stopped recording I put the lid on my ice cream and got my night gown back on before I went and got back into bed.

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