The Day Begins.

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Kinkajou zoomed around the pavilion, ever since Glory became queen, Kinkajou got to have a small hut in her pavilion.

" Where's my special fruits?" Kinkajou squeaked, she packed everything she thought would be nessescary, when in reality, she never needed any of that.

" Kinkajou, we dont really need much for Jade Mountain. " Tamirin said, staring off in the distance, just listening to kinkajous' voice.

"Oh.." she said, dropping all of her things.

" Then what do we  need?" Kinkajou said, plopping down next to Tamirin.

" Wel, if you become homesick, maybe something that reminds you of home, other than that.. You dont really need anything." Tamirin finished.

" Mkkaayyy.." kinkajou said.

" Wait! The earing!" Kinkajou screeched, scrambling up, and accidentaly slidding off the top of her hut.

" Oof!" She said, and sprang back up, skidding in front of the door, nearly slipping again as she ran in, digging around.

" What are you doing?" Tamirin said, calmly walking in.

" The earing!"

" What earing?" Tamirin blinked.

" You know! The earings that we got to protect ourselves from Darkstalker!" Kinkajou commented.

" You know Darkstalker is... Well, i guess non-existent now right?"

" Yeah but.. Well.. I just, need them." Kinkajou mumbled, the real reason she wanted them was because turtle made the original one, and since hers was.. Sort of made by Turtle, she felt like she needed it.

" Whatever.." Tamirin said. " Just hurry up." She said, walking out, and slowly heading to the edge of the rainforest.

Kinkajou grabbed the earing, and clipping it into her ear, skipping off to catch up to Tamirin.

" 'Bout time. " Tamirin said.

" Oh be quiet!" Kinkajou laughed, and nudged Tamirin, and then sat, getting impatient.

Hurry up! Turtle is probably waiting for me!  Kinkajou thought.

Oh don't kid yourself Kinkajou..

But what if he is!

I mean.. Maybee..

He probably is though!.

Turtle and Kinkajou.. Pair of the century..

" Kinkajou? Kinkajou! World to Kinkajou!" Tamirin said, poking Kinkajou.

Kinkajou blinked, her thoughts being inturupted. " What?"

She blinked, and saw the Sandwing escort gliding down, and swiftly hovering down to greet them.

" Hello." He said, bowing his head.

"Hello! HI! Im kinkajou!" She said, bouncing up and down excitedly.

" Hello." Tamirin said, waving.

" If you'd follow me, then we shall be on our way." He said, leaping up into the air, and flying off as the two followed.


Turtle sighed, he kinda wanted ot just stay in the ocean, getting his mothers company, finally getting to see his little sister up close. But at the same time, he'd do anything to get away from Anemone, and maybe he also wanted to see his friends, but one special friend in particular.

" Are you ready to go?" Coral asked, finally geting Aukelt in her grasp again.

" Murble!" She squaked, trying to say her brothers name, and also trying to get to him.

" Mhm. " he said, and smiled, hugging Auklet, and slowly swimming off onto a little island.

He'd wait, thinking of all he would do now without the stress of Darkstalker, but he'd always still felt nervous, and like other dragons were constantly judging him.

" TURRRRTTLEEEEEEE!" . Anemone screamed to the top of her lungs.

He flinched, and rubed a claw in his ear, to stop it from ringing.

" Coming!" He yelled, sighing, walking off to see Anemone on another island.

" What?" He asked.

" Nothin! Just claling you over here!" She said, and looked back at the sky.

Turtle sighed, and sat down, fidgiting around with his claws.

He looked up, hearing wing beats.

A large, intimidating looking Sandeing slowly hovered down, just glaring at them, and nodding in the direction of Jade mountain, and flying off again.

Turtle blinked, but got up, following, it took him a minute to finally get flying right, but when he did, he flew as fast as he could.


Qibli flew along, talking to moon, as she had decided to visit him before they went to jade mountain, so he got to travel there with her.

" Do you think we should go pick up Winter?" Moon asked.

" I don't think we could, i mean, remember that weird wall thing?" ( COUGH* DONALD TRUMP * COUGH)

" Oh yeah, well maybe we could go pick up Kinkajou and Tamirin? " moon said.

" Moon, their escort probably has them halfway to jade mountain by now. " he said.

" Plus, there's that thrill of finally seeing them all again! That's always my favorite part." He said.

" Oh.. Yeah.." she said.

" Awe? What's wrong? A Scavanger got your tongue?" Qibli asked, flying under moon, and looking up at her with a pouty lip.

She looked down at him, and laughed, poking him with her tail.

" Nope! Just bet i could beat ya there!" She said, and started flying faster.

" Oh no you can't!" He said, and started flying after her.


Winter huffed, slowly flying off towards jade mountain.

" I can't beleive im doing this again.." He growled, still Severely trying to deny the fact that he wanted to see moon, although he knew that her and Qibli were together.

" Let's just get this over with.. " he huffed, and picked up his pace.

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