Chapter 1 - First Meeting

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Rain poured down from the clouds heavily as Avneet ran across the road which had no cars driving through it.

Avneet: It's raining like HELL! And I forgot my umbrella at home!

Avneet got her phone out to call someone

Avneet's P.O.V:

Ughhh, there is no signal here. What kind of a place is this!? Now I can't even receive calls OR call anyone! Where will I spend the night?


All of Avneet's clothes were drenched. There were no shops or houses nearby that Avneet could stop at or ask help from.

Minutes passed by. Avneet sneezed many times and she was also strating to get sick. The only obstacle that protected her from the rain (partly) was a tree on the side of the road.

Finally Avneet saw a pair of lights coming from ahead of the road. They were definitely car headlights!

Avneet's P.O.V:

I signalled my hand out to the car and it slowed down as it came closer to me. Finally it stopped and a man came out of the car with an umbrella. The man was tall and thin, but I couldn't see his face because it was dark and the rain blocked his face even more.

"What are you doing here?" The man said

"Can you not see I am dying of the freezing cold here?" I replied

"What can I do about that?" He said

I groaned. Obviously he stopped his car because he was going to give me a lift to my house or somewhere safe!?

"Then why did you stop the car?" I asked

"I'll give you a lift to your house, come in"

I was about to get into the car's front passenger seat when he called STOP! from behind.

I looked back and he handed me a raincoat and a shawl

"This will make you warmer" He said

"Thanks" I replied

I put the raincoat on in a hurry while the man stood holding the umbrella over me. Then I put the shawl around me and both of us sat inside the car.


It was 8:30 pm at night

Man's P.O.V:

"Didn't you see the weather forecast today?" I asked

"Yes, of course I did!" The girl answered.

"Then why would you wear short sleeves on such a rainy day?"

"I would've worn many more clothes if I didn't have my photoshoot today!"

Photoshoot? Who was this girl?

"Photoshoot? Are you an actress or something?"

"I'm a model" She replied with pride in her words


"What's your name?" She asked, when I thought that was going to be the end of the conversation

"My name is Siddharth. Siddharth Nigam. What's yours?" I said

A/N: So yes the man is Siddharth! Who did u all think he was?

"My name is Avneet. Avneet Kaur"

"Nice name" I said, smiling

"Where are you taking me?" Avneet asked

"To a nearby hotel so my GPS can get signal. After that you can tell me your house address and I'll drive you there."

"But there's a problem"


"I don't know my house address!"

"What? How?"

"Actually me and my friend are here on a vacation from Mumbai. We are here for only a week because my photoshoots will end and then we will go back to Mumbai!"

"So where can I drop you then?"

"When we get to the hotel, I can call my friend and ask her the address of our holiday house"


We didn't talk for the next few minutes. There was a hotel we came and stopped at to get signal to receive and do calls.


Sidneet got out of the car, sharing the same umbrella

They saw a telephone booth.

Siddharth went inside the hotel into the reception to get signal for his GPS and Avneet went into the telephone booth to make a call.

Avneet's P.O.V:

I picked up the phone and dialled my best friend's number.

"Hello?" A voice said from the telephone

"Hello, Jannat are you there?"

"Avuuuuuu!!! Where are you??? I have been waiting for you since ages!!!"

"Arre Jaanu, I was caught up in the rain and there were no shops, houses, hotels, rikshaws or autos to give me a lift so I had to stay under a tree for the past hour!"

"Oh Goddd. You must be sick!! Avu why didn't u call me?"

"There was no signal, otherwise I would have called you very first!"

"Awww poor you. But then how can u call me now!?"

"A very kind and generous man gave me a lift to a nearby hotel so we could get signal for his GPS and also so I can call you!"

"Don't roam around with strangers Avu! You know how India is! What if he.. he.. tries to.. you know.. rape you?"

I was shocked! Siddharth seemed nice but what if Jannat was right?

"Well.. he hasn't done anything yet.." I stammered

"Arre Avu, you're such a pure soul, you won't understand these men"

"But Jaanu, he seems nice and if he wanted to rape me, then he wouldn't have taken me to the hotel so I could call you!"

"Anyways, maintain a fair distance from this man. Make sure nothing happens to u!"

"Love you Jaanu, don't worry I'll return home safely! Now quickly tell me the address!"

"Ok, um, it's... 176 Rautela Road, Mount Bay"

"Thanks. I don't know how long it will take me to reach home, but I will definitely reach so you don't worry, ok?"

"Ok Avu, love u, be safe!"

I hung up the phone and opened up my umbrella then went outside and saw Siddharth waiting for me outside the hotel main door.

I ran up to him with the umbrella and we both walked together under the umbrella back to the car


"Did you get signal?" Avneet asked

"Yes, I got wi-fi as well to download offline maps. Now tell me the address" Siddharth answered

Avu told Sid the address and they were about to go, when-

Sorry for the cliffhanger 😂😜

How is it??

This is first chappy of first story so support me please 😘😘

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