"Help! My wrist is broken!!!! " Fries cries as he's on his knees. "Sorry, can't help you" Said pie. Pie was known for being an asshole to everyone she saw in goiky after she came out of the fourest. Now she is a bitch, but no one can stop her, because she's a super hero. Here are just some cases of her Assholery. *AHEM* fuck this shit, superpie can't be killed you fuck! ~ pie.
As you can see, she's not a good person, but not a bad one, either.Superpie has a list of friends who are frea- I MEAN have special powers. Pen can bend the laws of physics, like grabbing black holes with his bare hands. Bottle can make ice cubes (go to her if you want a cool drink). Tree has flame powers, which is weird because fire can kill trees, can't they? Liy can spawn knives from her fingertips. Pillow is oddly buff.remote can spawn unlimited amounts of batteries. And black hole... Can suck things up! Eh. To be fair, black hole was overpowered to begin with.
And with a new foe rising to the surface, will pie and her gang of freaks save the day? Find out in CHAPTER 2
(chapter 2: when the story begin)
SUPER PIE!!!! and the deathers
De Todopie was in the fourest when something hit her. then suddenly she got the power of personality!!! and now she can take any bad guy down without having to lift a finger! but just her mouth, because she smart talks them. but this foe is most likely the...