Do Not Go Gentle

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Summary: Set somewhere around "Do Not Go Gentle." What if Kat ran into a newly turned Ric? What will happen?

It was a beautiful night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Katherine Pierce sat at the bar next to Alaric.

"Hello, Alaric," she greeted.


"Do you know where I might find Elijah?" she questioned.

"Go away."

"Why? I thought we left on good terms."

"I don't want you here. Take a hint, will you?"

Then the familiar scent hit her. vampire.

"What happened to you?" she asked him.

"Esther turned me. Now I'm going to kill every vampires, starting with Klaus."

She clenched her teeth and gasped in pain, as he stabbed her with a dagger. And then she felt the familiar sensation of having a hard time breathing. And that's when she knew the dagger had vervain on it. Now she couldn't go anywhere without help and she was too shaky to move on her own, much less get her phone out to call for help. All she could do was clutch the bar with both hands to keep from falling.

"We should help her," she heard Caroline Forbes say, a moment after she smelled Tyler and Caroline when they walked in.

"Why?" she heard Tyler ask.

"She had to have come back for a reason. And that reason wasn't to get vervained by Alaric. She needs help. We have to help her."

"Fine. You stay here. I'll get away from him. He can't hurt me like he can you."

A few minutes later, she smelled his scent. He was behind her. She felt a gentle hand on her right upper arm and knew it was Tyler's.

I'm saved, she thought to herself.

"Let's get out of here," she heard Tyler say.

She slowly got off the stool and onto her feet, as he held a hand on her arm to help her keep her balance.

Before she knew it, they were outside the Mystic Grille. Tyler still had his hand on her arm and Caroling had a hand on her other arm.

"What happened?" Caroline asked her as gently as she could. All she knew was that she smelled vervain with something else she couldn't place.

"I asked him where Elijah was and he told me what happened to him. Then he stabbed me," Kat summarized.

"And before that?" Tyler asked.

"I killed the hybrids Klaus sent after me. They attacked, though. That's why I was looking for Elijah. He's the only one I can trust to get me the cure without having to sacrifice anything. And Elijah still cares about me. We had something when I was human and before I came to live in America."

Tyler and Caroline looked at one another. They knew they had to do something, but they didn't know where they would find Elijah.

As she started to feel weak, Kat saw Damon.

Damon had been walking up to the Mystic Grille, when he had seen Tyler and Caroline outside holding Katherine up. Then he was instantly in front of them.

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