The Cell (3rd revised version)

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Summary: Set in S5E9 "The Cell." What if Damon had never killed Lexi? What if she was still alive? Wes captures Lexi, instead of Damon. Will she be rescued in time? Will Damon notice that she's missing? Does he care about her beneath his tough exterior? What will ensue?

A/N: This is my very first Dexi fanfic, so please be kind in your reviews, no matter how much it may suck.

It was a dark night, as Damon and Lexi entered the fraternity house, where the party was being held at, after being invited in. Sure, they weren't going to college here or anywhere else, but it was Whitmore. No one here was bound to ask them questions about who they were. Besides, Mystic Falls had gone dull lately and he was bored after breaking up with Elena. There was nothing to do and Lexi had proven more than a decade ago, that she could have fun and make some fun. Plus, she was an old friend of Stefan's who had helped Stefan get back on track. He and Lexi had even had fun when she had tried to turn his human back on. It turned out that no one could help him turn it back on, until human Elena warmed herself into his heart. Without even trying to change him when she had been human, she had, over time, changed him. She had tamed the monster within. She had taught him how to let someone in without being afraid of getting hurt, how to protect those he cared about that weren't Stefan, how to show compassion, and how to just simply feel. Like Stefan, he hadn't wanted the vampire life for her. He had wanted her to stay human. When she had been human, being around her had made him feel human. He missed being human and probably always would, but those days were over with and he was at a college party with Lexi. She was a beautiful girl and she deserved to have some fun with him. She may be old, but she wasn't an Original. She still knew how to have fun.

They walked over to a food and drink table and he grabbed a cup of alcohol. He then took a sip, while she ate some crackers that were on a food dish.

When the song changed to a slow song, he set his drink down and held out a hand to her.

"Care to dance with me?" he asked with a smile.

She smiled. "Don't mind if I do."

She put her hand in his and he led her to the middle of the dancing college students. They then danced together to a few songs, before she went to sit in a chair, while he went to get her something to drink.

When he came back, she wasn't there anymore, so he set the drink down and went in search of Lexi. He didn't know her very well, but he knew she wasn't the kind of girl to just disappear without a goodbye.

Meanwhile, Lexi lay in a lab, restrained to an autopsy table, a guy doing something with liquid stuff and some syringes on a counter. Even though she was weak from the vervain, she still tried to get out of her restraints, but they were made of steel. She couldn't get free.

"You're awake," he greeted her.

"Who are you? What the hell do you want with me?" she growled at him.

"I'm Wes Maxfield. My family made the Augustine Vampire Society. This is all that's left of it. I'm continuing what my family started. By the time I'm done with you, you're going to be craving for vampires, instead of us humans," he explained.

She fought against the restraints, not wanting to become an Augustine Vampire. She had heard of the stories. They were worse than Rippers.

He walked over to her with a full syringe in hand.

"This will only hurt a little."

Just as he was getting ready to pierce her skin, Damon arrived and through him away from her.

With vamp strength, Damon broke the restraints and gently took the tube out of her arm.

"Damon?" she said weakly, amazed that he, of all people was rescuing her.

"I'm here. I've got you," he replied, as he gently picked her up in his arms.

She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms weakly around his neck.

As he left at vamp speed, she closed her eyes.

Once in his room, Damon layed her gently down on his bed and sat on her bedside, looking down at her. That had been a close one with Wes, but he had rescued her in time. If anything ever happened to her, Stefan would kill him.

When she woke up, she was in Damon's bed with him seated on her bedside, and she was felling much better. So everyone lives as happily as they could.

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