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"Goodmorning Yewon!!" Taehyung woke me up while shaking my bed. An instant headache. I stood up and he went back downstairs.

I followed him after i brushed my hair and saw that he made breakfast for me and Yejun, i noticed that Yeonghyeon was already gone probably went to work or something. "Wahh Tae! Did you make all of this?" Doesn't matter how many times he will cook for me, i would always be shocked. He nodded proudly and told me to sit down.

He was already feeding Yejun, "i have to tell you something," Taehyung said making me nervous. "I'm going to send Yejun to a daycare, please don't get mad but i only did it so your neighbors wouldn't have any troubles anymore," wow. Everything he does still surprises me.

"It's fine Tae, i mean i think it's better actually," i said to him and held his hand. "Thank you," i added and we finished our break fast. My neighbors brought Yejun to daycare since Tae and i had to go to school. I'm actually quite happy for once.

Yeah people were still gossiping about me and spreading rumors, but honestly i couldn't care less. My life has been a lot better than it used to, aside from school of course. But i am getting good grades and i don't really need friends to brighten up my day or anything.

Me and Taehyung parted ways at school since he had finish a test he didn't get to finish since he was absent that day. Me on the other hand, i just walked around school trying to avoid as much people as i can to not cause any drama and since i am in high school, you guys know there is drama almost everyday.

I went to the same place where i always used to go to. It wasn't my hideout or anything since people could just walk in but I would always go there in the past: the music room. Music is very soothing to the ear, especially classical music. I also listen to pop and hip hop but my favorite genre is classical.

I sat down on the chair and in front of me was the piano. I started playing and smiled when i played. I'm pretty sure a lot of people can agree with me when i saw music makes me happy. Suddenly i heard someone come inside the room and we looked at each other for a few minutes. It was someone i recognized, it was Junyeong. What is he doing here?

"Junyeong? What are you doing here?" I asked him with a surprised face. "Hey! Uh i used to go to school here about a year ago, i was going to pick up my cousin but he's still busy so i went up here, i could see you go to this school?" He said and pointed at my uniform. I nodded and patted the seat next to me.

He put his hands on the keys and started playing, i immediately recognized the song and tried playing along. When we ended the song he sighed. "I always loved this place, my music teacher always loved me," he chuckled. He kept telling stories about when he used to go here, he told me he graduated early since he was quite smart.

I also told him about how much the students changed. A lot more students were focusing about other things then a year ago, a lot can change in a year. When the bell rang it was time for class so i had to say goodbye to Junyeong, too bad actually. He had to pick up his cousin since his cousin felt sick.

I thought to myself, what would've happen if i never met Taehyung? Would i have confessed to Junyeong? Yes, i had a tiny crush on Junyeong, i still do but...it's kind of mixed feelings. I'm really thankful for the both of them or else i still would be very much struggling.

After class ended i met up with Taehyung who apparently was outside of school even though it wasn't time to go home yet. He stood there by the fountain holding a sign, there were a lot of students around us. I read the sign and my cheeks flushed red immediately. It said, Park Yewon, even though we don't know each other for a very long time i know i can already trust you. Hopefully you trust me too, i hope you trust me to be your boyfriend. So...Yewon-ah, will you be my girlfriend?

I looked at everyone, some were quite surprised, some were annoyed and some were happy. "SAY YES ALREADY!" Someone shouted. I looked at the desperate Taehyung who was smiling the whole time waiting for me to answer him. I took a deep breath and nodded.

He suddenly dropped the sign and ran towards me to give me a hug. I hugged him back of course, he then pulled away and kissed me on the forehead. "I've been waiting to confess to you for quite sometime," he whispered in my ear. Everyone was cheering for us and they left afterwards so continue their lunch.

We held hands and walked back inside the school. "I'm happy you said yes...i was really thinking you would say no," he chuckled. "Why?" I asked and he just shrugged. "Probably because of the drama that happened in your life, you wouldn't have time for someone like me," he said and i kissed his cheek making him flustered. "Your the reason why my life became better, now shut up okay?" I joked and he nodded.

After school ended we picked Yejun up from daycare and i introduced him to Taehyung. Taehyung was driving and Yejun sat on my lap. "Look Yejun-ah, this is your new dad," Yejun smiled at Taehyung and Tae awed. He continued to drive but we decided to go to buy smoothies. We then drove to my house where i called my mother.

"Hey mom! Could you come over for dinner today?" I asked and she said yes. So i then started to cook dinner and Taehyung helped me. "No wait!" He told me to stop before i put garlic into the pan. He taught me different types of ways to cook food and make them taste good.

At around 6 pm we finished and rested for a little till my mom came. Taehyung answered the door and brought her to the dining table. Taehyung and her can actually vibe together you know? "So...why did you suddenly invite me over? Not that i mind but it was just out of the blue," my mom giggled. I smiled at her and grabbed Taehyungs hand.
She gasped, "are you marrying my daughter?" I nervously laughed, "no mom, we are dating!"

She looked so happy for us. "You know i wouldn't have minded if you would propose to my Yewon. You would be the type to really take care of her," my mother joked. My mother was always the jokester of the family since my father and my brothers could never get along. My brothers only left the house because my mom didn't want to divorce our dad.

We told each other stories and i also told her how Taehyung and i met. The last time i saw her so happy was when i was 14, that was when our family still was together. Yeah my brothers loved my mother dearly, but they hated the crap out of our father, which i understand. He's a pain in the ass. Then finally we ended the day, Taehyung had to go back to his mother and also drove my mother home since she came here with a bus.

I tucked Yejun in bed and i myself fell asleep. I'm so happy, i'm finally with someone who actually loves me and makes me happy. But i still appreciate Junho for staying with me for 4 years. I did wish that we lasted longer but i'm also happy with Taehyung, he was my sunshine in my storm. Is that even a saying? No? Well alright..anyway... that's the end of this part. Byee!

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