Chapter Four

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After 9 years, 2018:

In Kasetsart University:

Kongpob is welcoming his junior's for Freshers party. He is asking each junior's name by giving a rose.

A junior with a scar on his cheek introduces himself by saying, "Hello! I am Arthit".

Kongpob fingers brush Arthit's hand slightly while giving the Rose. Arthit felt as if some lightning effect has passed through that slight finger touch.

Arthit brain asks "Is he Singto?". So, he asks, "Phi! What's your name"?

Kongpob who does not feel any kind of effect or sensation of the touch like Arthit felt, nonchalantly says, "I am Kongpob".

"Ohhoo!" says Arthit with a gloomy place and goes away.

Kongpob is giving roses to other students while physically present but mentally absent by thinking, "Who says ohho sadly when someone said their name". After he gives Roses to all his junior's he goes to the function hall where whole juniors gathered and few seniors are showing their talents in singing, dancing and playing dramas on stage.

Singto casually watches his junior's who are enjoying their seniors act except that sad junior. Who is sitting in a corner. He is not looking at the stage, his eyes downcast as a sad boy. But when he lifts his eyelashes towards the stage, light reflected from his eyes it shone like sparkling stars. He is so beautiful like moonlight in the night. He is looking like an eternal soul as if he is carved out of porcelain, a beautiful masterpiece that seemed to be heaven's creation.

Whenever Kongpob eyes are glaring at Arthit secretly, he is thinking a moon with a scar. His hands are itching to rub away that scar. He knows a particular plant that can remove any kind of scar as he grew up in the forest for 9 years.

Meanwhile, Krist is thinking his past years. He is remembering how Singto's father always visits him on his Birthday. And remember he lost his son because of him. Krist also feels the same from the age of 9 because most of the clan is blaming him.

From that day onwards he stopped smiling and going to school. But, his parents told him if the shapeshifters lose their power shifting their bodies and will remain as a human. They need the education to survive in this world. After a lot of arguments, Krist agrees to study at home. He did not agree to go to school. So, his parents made him study with the help of home teachers.

Krist didn't have any friends or interacted with others than his family, relatives, and his Teachers. Because it is mandatory to study in college to obtain a degree, he joined in college now. As he didn't touch by anyone even slightly, he felt euphoria when Kongpob fingers lightly brushed his fingers. He wants to feel the same sensation again as the feeling is like butterflies in his stomach.

The Senior's party is over. They announced an open Dance party will be held at the playground with DJ. In a playground, a girl name Jessica asks Krist's hands to dance along with her.

Krist says, "I don't know how to dance".

"It's ok. I am also not good at dancing". She takes Arthit's two hands and starts moving along with the beat.

Arthit holds her hands tightly as he wants to experience the euphoria of a touch. Though he holds tightly, he didn't feel anything. So he holds tighter. The girls' hands are crushed and paining. But she doesn't want to get away from this eternal beauty and everyone is jealous of her. Krist is still crushing her hands tightly. After some time she can't hold the pain, she takes her hands back.

Krist thinks because she is a girl, he is not feeling anything. So his target moves to boys. He sees Nammon (Krist doesn't remember Nammon and Nammon doesn't Kongpob is his childhood friend Singto) is single. So he goes to him and asks "Can I dance with you?"

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