Chapter Ten, Part Four - Welcome to the Dark Side

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“Don’t be. The Dark Fae welcome you with open arms, Tamsyn,” she replied with another one of her small, curious smiles. Briefly, I wondered whether or not she could lie to me.

“Do they?” I replied, unable to help my abruptness. “Your Knight is Dark Fae. She doesn’t seem so welcoming.”

“That is a matter better discussed over dinner, I think,” she said in a low voice, brown eyes suddenly flashing. “Look around you, Tamsyn. Do you see your subjects? They are here for you, in celebration of your return to Otherworld. This is a day they thought would never come.”

Hmm. And you? I wondered. Did you think it would?

“Neither did I. I still can’t believe this – any of it – is real.”

“What is that old human saying? Aw yes - dreams really do come true. Well, here anyway.”

“Is that what this is – a dream?”

“Certainly not,” said the Queen with a sly smile. “But your dreams can be a link to the Otherworld. How do you think I brought you here, silly girl?”

Noticing that one of my hands was still in hers, I felt her give it a small squeeze and suddenly wished very hard that she would let go.

“I guess I should say thank you. I’ve never had a ball thrown in my honor before, much less been to one.”

“Nonsense,” she snapped with sudden sharpness. “Darling, this is your birthright. You are royalty and should never expect lesser treatment. That is the way of all High Fae.”

            A royal death for a royal princess. How fighting that the Queen’s personal Knight should be sent to first interrogate and then kill me.

            “Your Highnesses,” At the sound of a third voice, Titania and I both turned to see an older-looking gentleman man approaching from the dancing crowd and breaking the circle of our small, little bubble.

            “Duke Sentien, what a pleasant surprise. Behold, our dearly beloved Princess, Tamsyn.”

            The man gave no reply but a deep, stiff bow to each of us. His skin was a sallow shade of light yellow, giving him the appearance of recent illness. His eyes were sunken and hollow, and almost as black as the long, greasy curtain of hair that swung into his face as he briefly lowered his head. He was dressed in a simple, yet classic black suit with the penguin tails, with an accompany cane that gave him the appearance of someone very important.

            And dangerous. Just the sight of those devilish eyes on mine sent a chill rippling up my spine.

            “I have news, Your Majesty,” he replied in a low, smooth voice, keeping his gaze strictly on the Queen. “I’m afraid there was a… disturbance outside the castle.”

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