2.Discussion and Execution of THE Plan-Luke

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Here's chapter 2.  Enjoy XD

After I walked in I closed the door behind me. I saw that Ethan was sitting on his bed and staring at the wall. I carefully sat next to him.
'Ethan' I began. 'I have to tell you something.'
'What is it?'
'I want to go away from here', I confessed. 'I want to take Hannah and you to go away from here. Away from him.'
'Because he has never kept his promises and he won't keep any other Promises in the future. If he gets Hannah's powers it will be too late because we will die too. He won't let any demigods or mortals survive.'
'Ok I agree but how do we do it?', Ethan inquired. 'How do we get away from here with Hannah?'
'I have an idea...'


I was on my way to Hannah's cell. I only have to bring her out of it and to the warehouse Ethan and I chose yesterday. He is waiting there now  after we brought our things there, our bags, food, water and weapons etc.   
I grabbed the key for the cell and opened it. Silently I walked to her and I lifted her up in bridal style. She was so light. She has to eat more. Carefully I closed and locked the door to the cell before silently walking down the empty hallway. It's empty because everyone is at lunch.
I walked out of the building and in the shadow of the other buildings and with the help of the mist I hurried to our chosen warehouse.
When I came in the first thing I saw was Ethan and he helped me lay Hannah down onto the mattress we prepared.
Then we waited for her to wake up. I think Kronos drugged her a second time yesterday after she woke up.
While we waited, Ethan pointed out that I could use the time to inform my spy at camp. Silena. I completely forgot about that.
'Me and Ethan aren't with him anymore. We took Hannah and ran away. I just wanted to tell you that and I want you to put that necklace somewhere and you can be finished with this. I'm sorry for putting you through this and for promising things I can't keep. I'm really sorry.'
'Ok.    Oh and Luke, Ethan I forgive you. You did your best. Ly.'
'We love you too. Hannah too.'

Seconds later a few tears ran down my cheek. Ethan brushed them carefully away and opened his arms for a hug. I won't say I jumped int his arms but I jumped into his arms. I was really grateful for having him with me. While we were hugging my heartbeat accelerated. I think I have a crush on him. I think I ...


Oh no I'm doomed.
Anyway as we separated I turned to Hannah and tried to not let him see my blush.
'Are you ok?' Ethan asked.
'Yeah, I'm okay.'
A few seconds later Hannah opened her eyes.
'Where am I?!'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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