Sweet Anger

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𝐒 𝐖 𝐄 𝐄 𝐓 𝐀 𝐍 𝐆 𝐄 𝐑 || 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑿 𝑨𝒔𝒉

"Yes, you have to come!" Dawn whisper-yelled as she replied to Ash's obvious question. "Jeez, she is your girlfriend, Ash. How can you not?"

"But I am outside Kanto, right now," Ash replied to Dawn, although he wasn't outside Kanto, he was at Gary's place planning to give Misty a surprise at her Birthday surprise party. And so he didn't want anyone but Gary to know about his plan.

"Ash, you can't even come back for your girlfriend's birthday?" Dawn asked, suddenly her voice sad.

"Dawn, I've checked everything, there's no boat departing till two days for Kanto. I can't come even if I want to so badly."

"Fine... I'll let her know beforehand so she doesn't break down or create a ruckus on the day of the party..." Dawn hung up the call and stuffed her phone back into her purse before she trudged to Misty's backyard to let the others know about Ash not coming for the party.



"Hey, Gary!" I called him as soon as my call ended with Dawn.

"Hey man, you chilling at my home right?" He replied with a whisper but I can hear the faint voices of our other friends behind him, preparing for Misty's surprise birthday party. They don't know that I am still here in Kanto, and at Gary's place chilling out today. It was all a part of the plan to make everyone (except Gary) believe that I was out of Kanto and I would not be able to make it.

"Yes, I am having a great time," I pulled out another chocolate bar from his fridge and sat on the couch, munching on it as we continued to converse.

"Good thing, and yeah, Dawn came right now to inform you won't be able to come for the party because no boats departing till two days," He snickered as he continued, "You've got some brain to give reasonable reasons, dimwit. I am proud of you that you've learned so much from my teachings!"

I laughed slightly, "Who are you calling a dimwit, huh? Besides, did you forget I was the one who helped you get Leaf?"

"Shut up, just because she was your cousin doesn't mean you were some really big help."

"Yeah yeah." I placed the last bite of the chocolate in my mouth then stood up, crumbling its wrapper and throwing it in the kitchen bin. "Also, I have brought my gift and it is in the guest room, under the bed. Don't crash it or something when I come back."

"Sure, sure-" Gary was about to speak further but I heard a faint 'Bear!' behind him. It was probably Leaf calling him. "Yes, I'm coming just a minute- Hey Ash, I gotta hang up. My Leaf's calling me. See ya tonight at the party, bye!"

"Yeah, bye, see you tonight," I answered but the phone call ended before I could even wish him goodbye. "Tsk. What a brat, forgetting his childhood friend as soon as my cousin stepped foot in his life."

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