Chapter 7

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Today is the day, Harriet thought.

Harriet was so excited about her date with Tian. She couldn't wait to get to school and see him. He had been on her mind since the first day she saw him, and even more since he asked her out.

When Harriet arrived at school, she found Tian at his locker. As Harriet approached him, she said, "I'm so excited about tonight!"

Sebastian, who hadn't realized she was there, turned around and almost hit her with his books. "I'm guessing that means yes to the date," he said, regaining his balance while still holding onto his books.

"Duh, it's a yes! Didn't I tell you?" Harriet asked.

"Um no, but I knew you would say yes anyway," Sebastian started, "I'll pick you up at 8 tonight. And wear something casual. This date won't be anything fancy."

They started down the hall together toward Harriet's first class. Sebastian dropped her off just in time for the bell. Then he left for class.

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