Wedding Series- Hen Do #8

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For the past two days Grayson has basically not left you alone. As tonight you were travelling down to San Francisco for your hen do. Grayson was going back to New Jersey for his bachelor party.

"i'm gonna miss you, pretty girl" Grayson spoke as he hugged you tightly, "i'll miss you too, pretty boy" you told him looking into his brown eyes, "one more kiss before you leave? I'm not gonna see you till Friday when you come back to Jersey" Grayson spoke as you leane dup to kiss his lips.

"baby, i've gotta go i don't make the girls wait even longer than they already have" you told him as you walked out the front door of the Twins house, "love you be safe!" Grayson shouted as you got into the uber "love you too!" you shouted back.

After the hour and a half flight. You were finally in San Francisco.

Getting to the hotel suite. There was champagne. You already know that was gone within an hour.

Emma was curling your hair as Cameron was doing your makeup.

You got changed (outfit attached)
"Let's go have some fun!" Clara shouted as you all left the hotel.

You all ended up at some club in downtown San Fran. You also ended up with some other bridal party.

"I'm getting married in September!" You shouted to the other bride as she spoke, "same! September 23rd!" "25th!" You shouted.

It was around 6am. You all crawled into the hotel suite. Heels in hand, hair a mess.
You all collapsed on one big bed together and slept.

It was around 3pm. You were all walking round San Fran, basically hanging out your ass's. "I need food" Cameron complained as you walked into some cafe.

"Y/n, me and you have to leave to get to Jersey before Friday" Cameron spoke as you nodded and packed up your stuff.

The flight stopped in LA. Where you had to go back to the house to get some stuff before going for Jersey.

As you landed at like 9pm. Lisa drove you back to the house, "guessing Grayson has already gone out?" You asked Lisa, "yeah about an hour ago. Also your dress and bridesmaid dresses are at the house aswell but Grayson hasn't seen them" Lisa told you, "okay, thank you so much".

As you got to the Dolan residents. You went straight to Grayson's room and just fell asleep on the bed.
Around 3am. Grayson pulled you against his chest.

Hey guys. I haven't forgot about this series. Just needed some time to write it.

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