Chapter 7: Waking Up With Matt Casey ✔

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Morning had made it's self evident by the bright sun light shining in through the window. I let out a groan is I opened sat up and rubbed my eyes not wanting to open them just yet. Except when I did open them I was shocked to see I wasn't in my bedroom.

Looking around I was confused and a little curious at the white walls. The blue sheets smelt familiar but I just couldn't figure out why. When I looked down at my body to see I was wearing a CFD t-shirt that was too big for me I gulped a little.

What the hell happened last night, where the hell was I and who's shirt was this.

All my questioned seemed to be answered minutes later when I saw a shirtless Matt Casey come wondering holding two cups of coffee.

"Well, good morning sleeping beauty." He chuckled when he noticed I was awake and very much confused.

"I drank last night huh?" I asked him, pretty sure the answer, sure enought he nodded, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Very much so my friend?"

"And I'm in you bed?" I wondered.

"Again, correct."

"And I'm wearing on of your shirts?" I asked eyebrow raised

"3 for 3." He grinned, obviously enjoying my state of confusion and embarrassment.

"Is there, any thing I should be aware of?" I asked and I saw him smirk a little behind his cup.

"You mean did we have sleep together?"

"That is exactly what I ment yes." I nodded.

"Well, that depends on what you mean by 'sleep toghether'?" He spoke and I looked up at him confused.

"You left your keys at Molly's after we left, I offered you my bed and I took the couch." He explained and I felt relieved be his answer.

It's not that I didn't like Matt, I did, a lot, but I valued our friendship way to much to risk it on a drunken night.

"A true gentleman, I forgot what you guys looked like." I grinned. Throwing the covers over my legs I noticed I had no trousers on, but i kind of just shrugged it off and walked to the bathroom.

Matt's house was almost the exact same as mine. Every wall was in exactly the same place as in my house so when I walked downstairs I knew exactly where to go.

I saw Matt was sat on the couch, remote in his hand and coffee in the other. I walked over and sat next to him, curling my legs up to my chest, looking at him.

I studied his face as he concentrated on the tv, brows creased as he flicked through the channels. He has creased in the corner of his eyes evidence of a life time of laughter. He blonde hair fell over his forehead messily as he was yet to style it his usual way.

His face was covered in small scars and Mark's from his injuries as I firefighter. He had a slight curl in the corner of his lips that made him seem kind and caring. I noticed the smile curl further as turned his head to face me, catching me studying him.

"What?" He laughed nervously and I shrugged.

"Thank you." I smiled kindly.

"For what?" He chuckled confused.

"For taking care of me in my drunken state." I smiled. He smiled and reached over. Taking my hand in his. I shuffled a little closer to him and he nodded.


"I don't drink like that often and when I do, I never seem to know when I've had enough." I smiled embarrassed. "I had a pretty crap childhood, I mean everyone who knows Erin knows that. So I've always stayed away from drinking and drugs because I've seen what it did to my mum and sister. On the occasions I do drink, I forget myself and I...well you saw me last night."

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