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draco 🎈: GUYS

peterpans 🎆: okay i'm ready what's the problem this time

blaise 🎗: i'm here what's the tea

draco 🎈: the tea
draco 🎈: is
draco 🎈: gimme a drum-roll

blaise 🎗: no. just get on with it i have places to be

peterpans 🎆: yeah, like fucking ron-

blaise 🎗: shut it, saucepan

draco 🎈: you guys wanna know the news or what?

peterpans 🎆: yes just spit it out already

blaise 🎗: r00d

draco 🎈: stfu both of you
draco 🎈 is typing...
draco 🎈: i'm officially in the friendzone!!

blaise 🎗: aw i'm sorry bro

peterpans 🎆: that sucks hun :(

draco 🎈: what're you talking about this is great news!!
draco 🎈: it means harry actually talks to me now!!
draco 🎈 is typing...
draco 🎈: by CHOICE!!

blaise 🎗: uh
blaise 🎗is typing...
blaise 🎗is typing...
blaise 🎗: good? for? you?

peterpans 🎆: uh yeah well done dray

draco 🎈: :D

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