the Meeting ep 1

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for a werewolf it was essential to find its soulmate. they can fall in love with someone, even start a family, but if THE one comes along, nothing else or nobody else matters anymore. it was kinda like a magnet or a force what pulled the wolf and his soulmate together. every wolf knew that. pups learned from their parents. the weird thing was, that it wasnt limited just for male and female, but also with the same sex. even if you werent gay or lesbian, you would still be head over heels with your mate.

namjoon was driving through his fathers district. every clan had its own territory, so sometimes fights or even wars would break out if one clan wouldnt go with the unwritten law.

he was now in his middle 20s and still didnt found his mate. his time to ever found him or her was running out. if he would not have one until his 27th birthday, the magical band would fade away and he would be cursed to live without anyone he truly could love and get absolutely love back. it was not the life a wolf wanted. frustrated he drove to the supermarket.

he had the duty to get food for the week. he got a shopping cart and walked down the aisles to get everything what was on his list. "sesame oil, onions, carrots,.... oh sorry" his cart went into another one.

joon didnt look up, his eyes fixed on his list. "its okay.... u need help?" "whats macadamia oil essentials?" finally he looked up. the young man he hit, smiled at him and opened his hand to joon to get a look at the list. joon gave it to him. "nice colour" joon pointed to the blue hair of the boy. "thank u. it was an accident" the stranger laughed. "oh i think your girlfriend means the hairoil. its at the bath and shower aisle." "my moms. not my girlfriend" joon stated dryly. the boy chuckled again and walked with him to the macadamia hair oil.

"its great. makes your hair soft and shiny." he explained. "are u working here?" "normally yeah, but today its my day off." "and yet u are here and helping me" joon smirked. "i needed some stuff." the boy laughed again and handed the bottle of oil to joon. their hands connected for a second, but it was enough to spark electric shocks and a hot wave. joon froze and widened his eyes in surprise. *was that real? what the hell?!* the boy also looked shocked at joon too. he flinshed back and rubbed his hand. "wow. what was that?" he mumbled. joon shook his head and slowly turned his cart around. "thanks for the help." he walked away, with his mind trying to figure out what that meant.

"oh good u are home again. did u get everything?" joons mom pointed to the bags in joons hands. she looked at his face and got scared. "what happened? are u hurt? tell me" joons father and brother came out of the living room. "what happend?" "joon u are pale" everyone was talking. "i dont know." joon whispered. his mom pulled him into the kitchen, the others behind them, she sat him down and joon told them his encounter with this guy and what happened with the hands. his parents laughed happily and patted his shoulders. joon and his brother looked questionable at them.

"u found your mate!" his mother almost yelled out. "oh honey! congratulations! even though its a boy!" his parents hugged him. now it dawned on joons mind. "mate? are u sure? that boy??? a BOY???" jimin chuckled. "you got a boy! how hilarous!" that earned him a slap on the head by his father. "you are an omega! what do u think your mate is gonna be? an alpha female?" jimin looked shocked. "yeah! why?" his mom chuckled. "i think i have to have THE talk with u my child." jimin was confused. he always knew that he was an omega and he was always asuming that he will get an alpha girl as a mate.

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