When it Ends and Begins new ep 13

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absolute chaos in the caves, for jimin, who stood there in the open door, blood running down his legs, it was all in slowmotion, he saw kook fighting, dodging knifes and steel bars, he saw yoongi on the floor, pale and bloody. jimin grabbed yoongis leg and dragged him into the room. with a last look on kook, jimin closed the door again. doc gwen ran to the injured alpha and with jimins help, she heaved him up on the narrow bed. "jimin, put some clothes on and clean yourself!" the pupps were calmed down and didnt gave out a sound. jimin shook his head. "first we help yoongi"

roe, malli and matti still ran away from death and danger. tired and searching for air they took a break. "where are papa and daddy?" matti held his brothers hand. "they are fighting...i dont know, roe?" "we have to hide." she stood up again, sighed and stroked her locks back. she gestured her brothers to come with her.

hobi knocked down jins father, or what was left of him, he grabbed logans neck, pulled him to him and fullfilled a roll in the air and landed on his back hard. his son in his arms. jin launched himself on his surprised father and delivered punsh after punsh. hobi crawled to emma, looked at her, she was crying and scubed her into his arms too. he turned and watched jin killing his own father.

kooks strenght was almost done. he panted hard, he was injured, he looked for yoongi, but couldnt find him. kook got distracted and got hit so hard that he flew into the wall behind him. his enemy grinned and swung his knife. as he wanted to give kook the last blow, he screamed in pain. kook looked surprised. his sons had their sharp, little wolf teeth into his legs. the elder behind him, knocking him out with the big stone.

"tae, love?" joon shoock his mate to wake him up. tae only moaned and had his eyes still closed. it was quiet now outside, but he could hear the screams and fights on the inside. he pulled the unconscion tae up and went inside. he needed to find his pupps.

leader kim and his wife fought their way back to the cave. the clothes were ripped, bruises on their bodys, wounds and blood, hair standing in all directions, tired and sore. they hugged each other and kissed. "the fight is not over yet" mrs. kim whispered. "come we need to find our sons"

jimin helped doc gwen sew yoongis wound. she put up a bag of blood and some other meds. jimin watched the fluids drop down into the line to yoongis vein. he was still calm and collected, like it was every day this way, as he did that 100 times before. doc gwen looked concerned at him. "jimin? i dont think he will make it" jimin just nodded, put some clothes on and went out.

jin hugged hobi and the pupps tight and cried with them. his fathers corps layed not far away. nobody would guess that it was him, jins knuckels punshed his face into a mash. jins tears ran down his face. memories of his father came into his mind. how happy they were the first years together. with his mother everything was alright and sunshine. nothing of him wanted to remember the madman he became.

joon carried tae to the hospital wing. the fights calmed down, the townpeople won. now it was time to help the injured, to bring out the dead, to sort out who was from which clan. "doc? help me. tae got hit hard on the head. he wont wake up" gwen sighed and made space to examine taehyung. joon looked around, he saw kook with his sons, jimin just stood there, suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. he turned around and felt the embrace of his parents. finally tears bursted out he held so hard in.

jin had his arm around his mate and his daughter on his other arm, they went slowly back to the others. "uncle jin, uncle hobi" three voices chirped from a dark corner. "monroe? malakai? matthew? what the hell are u doing here? come to us!" they hugged each other and went on their way.

days later:

"we are here to honor a good wolf. he fought for his family. he fought for his friends. he fought for his clan. he will always be remembered by his pupps and his loving mate...." jimin couldnt hear it anymore. he cried hard and pressed his face into kooks shoulder. not even he could console jimin in his grief. it was too much. since the attack every day was a funeral after funeral. a lot of the clans wolves died that day. good people. even some pupps. parents griefing for them, mates crying after their loved ones. for the left ones the sun was gone, only dark days were ahead of them. nothing will bring them joy again.

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