Cal Kestis x Female!Jedi!Reader - Our Child (Sad)

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(Picture: ttps:// ; January 16th 2020)

[Warning: may contain spoiler][Warning: contains depressing/sad content][Plot holes included][Requested]

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Warning: contains depressing/sad content]
[Plot holes included]

Cal and I were on Kashyyyk, on our way to meet Mari Kosan And Chieftain Tarfful.

We approached them and Mari was the first one to speak up.

"Glad you made it. This is chieftain Tarfful."
Mari and the chieftain greeted us.

"We are in a mission from Master Eno Cordova. He was looking for a Zeffo artifact (/artefact). Finding it could help the Jedi."
Cal came right to the point by telling them what we were here for.

"Wraugh. Wraa raaa."
"Cordova found wisdom at the top of the Origin Tree. You should seek answers there."
Mari told us.

"It's massive.. I don't even know where we could start."
I spoke up while Cal and I looked at each other before looking back at Mari and Chieftain Tarfful.

"Well, you might be able to find a way up through its root system. But most of it is underwater. You'll need this breather."
Mari said and handed over a small device to both of Cal and me.

"Thank you. What will you all do now?"
Cal asked them.

"Wroaaa! Rawgh!"
"The only thing we can. Keep fighting."
Both of them answered.

"Good luck. Hope we will meet again soon."
I said before Cal and I headed of to the root system of the Origin Tree.

"Hej, (Y/N), BD.. do you think the Empire would have come after Kashyyyk so hard if we hadn't intervened?"
"BD is right, we can't know for sure. Why do you think so, Cal?"
I asked him while we climbed some roots.

"The Jedi are supposed to be symbols of hope, but.. I led the Inquisition here. You two, Mari and Tarfful put their trust in me. Did I just endanger them and you again?"
Cal continued, leading me to place my hand on his shoulder and us to stop walking.

"Up to this point, did you ever disappoint us? Secondly, you, BD and I.. we are in one team, we stand on the same side."
I reassured him before I smiled at him slightly, leading him to smile at me softly.

We kept walking as Cal changed the topic.

"You are a little bit absent minded, (Y/N). Is everything okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah, about that.. I'll tell you later. I have to think about it myself."
"If something's wrong, you can always count on us, you know that."

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ◈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now