Chapter 10 - Weapons - Geno Hates Death!

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"So, you already know how to transform, right?" Geno clarified with Death.

"Yeah, I already know how to do a soulbond, too," Death said, a dark smile pulling at his face under his hood. "Man, you're a shortie."

"We're the same height."

Death liked to tease and mess with people, it was kind of really annoying. Especially his dark humor, Geno grew rather annoyed of it after the first day.

"We just have to practice being partners, nothing big or special," Geno mumbled.

"Nothing like my d*ck, then," Death snorted.

"Yeah, because yours isn't big or special."

Oh, that got some impact. His smile wavered, and his eye lights flicked to his partners face with surprise. Did Death really not think Geno was going to fight back?

Geno was prepared to deal with anything dealt out by the other skeleton. They had barely known each other for more than a week, and Death had already asked him if he wanted p*nis enlargement pills four times, made a racist joke about skeletons (which he was himself) twice, and even asked the teacher what hair dye she used to dye out her grey streaks.

The guy was good, but so was Geno. He fought against a Kishin and won, he wasn't about to let some a**hole push him around.

"Hey, hey, hey," Death said, slinging an arm around Geno's shoulders. "Since we're partners, that means that you have to tell me your secrets. So, tell me, how'd you get those bandages around your head?"

Geno replied curtly. "F*cking your Mom, that's how. Can you please now shut up and do the lesson?"

That seemed to really get him to go silent. He removed his arm slowly, looking to the side as silence fell. Was he really not used to people fighting back?

"You guys will just be learning what it means to be partners, nothing more. We won't be doing any fighting or dissection, we'll only be trying to have our weapons transform and have their meisters be able to hold them." The teacher walked in front of the pairs, giving a side look at Sci. "Don't even think about dissecting your partner again."

"If you wanna strip me, I won't mind a bit," Lust said, grinning at Sci.

"Good. Now tell me, what's your blood type?" Sci asked, pulling out a small notepad to write things down.

"No blood types, no asking about birth dates or DNA, no!" The teacher said, pointing at Sci.

"We'll discuss your dissection and research possibilities another time," Sci said to Lust, clicking his pen closed. "I'm more interested in dissecting the Horror one, though. He's more insane."

"Nevah!" Horror declared, throwing another knife at Sci.

"I don't think my weapon form would be good for Horror to have," Killer whispered, "It won't be good at all."

"Guys, please, just start your practice. We only have a small amount of time after lunch, so please get a move on."

Just like that, everyone split up with their respective partners.

Death bounced back fast from the insults, already returning with his cocky smile and attitude. However, it didn't really annoy Geno as much when Death made sure to give Stinky a close hug before he left with Killer.

"Alrightly, disabled boy," Death said, "Who's ready to start a school shooting?"

"No," Geno said, "We're not doing that."

"Eh, you're right. I need the students alive to make a profit from their horny brains. Speaking of which, you wanna buy p*nis enlargement pills?"

"You might need to use that profit to buy a brain," Geno mumbled, looking to the side.

"We can split and both use half. You don't have one either, skele-boy."

"If only."

Geno seriously hated him. He hated the way the guy gave that dumb smile, the way the guy was always confident, how he was racist and sexist just constantly. There was never a pattern. All of his jokes were against everyone, even himself!

"Can you just transform?" Geno asked Death.

He tsked, grin widening. "Into a disappointment? Yeah, just give me the semester until my grades are released."

Although he had cracked a joke, his body started to glow anyway, listening to Geno as he transformed into a weapon. The light and transformation was quick, Death likely experienced in changing into a weapon. When the object started to take form in front of Geno, he grabbed onto it, letting the light fade so he could see what Death transformed-


That was a gun.

That was a f*cking machine gun.

Death's weapon form looked bada**, no wonder he was so confident! The gun felt a little bit heavy, already locked and loaded with magical bullets.

"If you're going to stare," Death's voice sounded from the weapon, "That means your gay, just so you know. And that's kind of gay, being gay."

"Do you have any friends?" Geno asked him, looking down at the weapon. "I don't believe it."

"I could say the same about you. Guys are known for being less social and less liked than girls."

"You are a guy too, dipsh*t."


Not everyone was having as much luck transforming as Death did.

"You can't transform?" Blue asked Dust.

"The frogs are to blame, yup," Dust said, shrugging.

"As in, you don't know how to become a weapon?"

"Yuparoo. I've transformed before, but it's random, like my personality." Dust put his hands into his pockets before he pulled out a lone cheeto. "Want a cheeto?"

Blue sighed, looking at his partner. It wasn't unheard of weapons unable to transform, and Dust was a first year student, he probably just hadn't been trained. But this would delay them in training for a bit, and Blue wasn't really sure how he could exactly even help Dust.

But the magnificent Blue wouldn't back down, not from this. If Dust needed help, Blue would help. They were partners, after all.

"Do you want to train after school?" Blue asked him.

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