Freezing The Sorrow

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Summary : A RWBY oneshot set in Volume 5. After the death of Pyrrha Nikos the parter and best friend of Jaune Arc,Jaune had come to terms with her death and the fact that he had actually liked her back so now him and Team RWBY and rest of Team JNR were in a guesthouse but in Jaune's grieving time he's found by Weiss who wanted to thank him.

Jaune was kneeling on the roof of the guesthouse him and Team RWBY and the rest of Team JNR were staying at and was grieving the death of his best friend with tears streaming down his face pounding his fists onto the roof choking a sob every ten seconds or so but after a while he stopped bawling his eyes out and rested his fists and face against the roof.

Jaune : "I'm sorry Pyrrha so so sorry for letting you run to your death and I could not even avenge you!"

The feeling of a dainty hand could be felt by Jaune on his shoulder and as he tearily looked up he was surprised when he saw it was Weiss who stood looking sympathetically down at him but also holding a hint of tears in her eyes as she gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze with an apologetic smile on her face and then she pulled him up into a tight hug.

Weiss : Jaune,I am greatful for you saving my life and I know you really miss her but I'm here for you.

Jaune for his part just looked shocked at the thanking and the hug and that Weiss knew he missed Pyrrha.

Jaune : That actually means quite a lot coming from you so thanks and you are welcome too.

Weiss rubbed Jaune's back with one hand and used the other one to pull him even closer.

Weiss : You loved Pyrrha as much as she loved you,please do not blame yourself for her death.

Jaune felt a small warmth over his body and sighed as it came over him but his hands were still by his sides.

Jaune : Thanks Weiss I just felt completely pathetic but it seems friends are an anti-depressant too.

Weiss sighed as well but only because such an overtly affectionate embrace flew over his head as just comforting.

Weiss : You know you are allowed to hug,no,actually to embrace me back right? Really I won't bite.

Jaune blushed his ears burning as he put his arms lightly around her as he then put his depression out of mind.

Jaune : I,well,I just didn't want to read too much into a simple hug and maybe alienating you 

When Weiss noticed that Jaune was shy enough in that position to think he'd alienate her easily she chuckled  

Weiss : Jaune I'm still the same I once was I just reevaluated what it is you actually mean to me.

Jaune let out a strangled gasp when she just took his hands and placed them slightly lower on her waist.

Jaune : Uhm Weiss what are you trying to say by your actions I mean I am really really confused right now

Weiss didn't answer him,instead she kissed him which made him tense up out of surprise.

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