Muscular Attraction

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Jaune had gotten revenge executed on himself by none other than Yang when she ripped off his hoodie after he by accident did the same to her so of course Jaune was seen shirtless by Pyrrha and the girls from team RWBY which naturally prompted said team's girls to like that and a month later they had fallen in love with him as well

Jaune had a strange feeling that he was being eyed by more than one person and he was proven correct when a soft pair of arms slid around his waist from behind and promptly snaked their way inside his hoodie with palms traveling all over his abs while a voice from a few metres away whistled and he turned to see Blake behind him and his eyes widened.

Jaune : Blake what in all the hells are you doing we barely ever notice each other why are you coming on to me?!

Blake : Jaune you may not have noticed this fact but you are my type and have a big heart and are cute.

Then a new voice chimed in

Weiss : And also you have matured and that's what I find so attractive lately about you.

Jaune : Wait c'mon a little personality change and muscle gain is hardly a good reason to like me that way.

A sweet familiar voice joined the frey.

Pyrrha : Oh but Jaune believe me those are only two of the reasons they like you and why I kept liking you.

Jaune : What oh my gosh Pyrrha uh I did not know that you ever felt that way about me uhm but why me tho?

A lighter voice answered that.

Ruby : You look like a heroic Knight and also you are kind and friendly and like a big cuddly blonde puppy.

Jaune : No Ruby you too? Since when do you know what it feels like to be attracted to someone?

This time a teasing voice cut in.

Yang : Listen here Jaune okay the only way to think about this is to accept our newfound attraction towards you.

Jaune gasped as Blake planted a hot wet kiss on the side of his neck and the others came closer making Jaune blush brightly as Pyrrha kissed him on the mouth for ten seconds and pulled away so Weiss took him into a rough kiss and let go and then Blake just pulled Jaune's head back and French kissed him and pulled away then Yang and Ruby kissed him too.

Jaune : (Blushing heavily)Girls I...I...I...
Cut it out already what has gotten into all of you?!

Weiss : Jaune is this not what you wanted to huh to be deeply loved by someone of the opposite gender?

Pyrrha : I fully agree with Weiss you kept complaining about not having a girlfriend did you not Jaune?

Ruby+Yang : Jaune you are a great guy okay hell you are more loving than the males in our family

Blake : Do not try resisting Jaune you have gotta be able to understand how we feel now about you.

Jaune carefully looked around himself at the girls and his blush deepened as he thought about all their words.

Jaune : You know what okay I think we should discuss this somewhere where we can sit I am tired.

Blake jumped quickly onto Jaune's back and wrapped her arms around his neck and then her legs around his waist making sure to press as much against him as possible while Pyrrha and Weiss each latched onto an arm of his and Yang and Ruby both led the way to the two teams' shared common room where the TV was and then they entered and all sat down.

Jaune : Pyrrha,Weiss,Blake,Ruby and Yang listen I don't understand tell me what is this,I feel bewildered.

Jaune turned his head and looked all five of the girls in their eyes searching for any answers and Pyrrha sighed.

Pyrrha : You don't get it do you Jaune it is plain and simple to understand we love you for exactly who you are.

Weiss : Yes exactly Jaune what Pyrrha just said also it may have not started out that way for me but it's true.

Blake : You stand up for faunus and humans alike Jaune and you're nice so you caught my heart that way.

Ruby : You're so socially awkward just like me and friendly so I get inspiration from you isn't it enough?

Yang : And heck you even laugh at my puns the only other one to do so is Ruby,well because she is my sister.

Tears of joy sprang right from Jaune's eyes which brought an "aww" from them at his clear happines and they gathered around him and just pulled him into a tight embrace and squeezed as hard as they could pouring all their obvious love for him into it so that he could feel how real their feelings were for him and he hugged them back with equal ferver.

Jaune : Alright then girls if you really mean it I guess it's cool but are you sure that you want to uhm share me?

The girls all quickly nodded at Jaune and then smiled self assuredly at the Knight fully eager to confirm the idea.

Pyrrha : Jaune,I've waited too long okay you were the first to see me as not a celeb that's why I love you.

Weiss : When I learnt that you weren't after me for my title I started to fall deeply in love with you as well Jaune.

Blake : Your noticible kindess has opened the path for a way directly to my heart so yeah I love you.

The other two girls did not need to say anything so everyone was silent until Jaune spoke up.

Jaune : Okay then Pyrrha,Weiss,Blake, Ruby and Yang finally in this moment I can say this I love you five too.

Blake turned Jaune around pulling him into another French kiss as she and the other girls started undressing.

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