Rude, Part II

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I said I'm gonna post more here, but I didn't, I'm sorry, I was kinda active on my ig though (_owl.man_) so this is gonna be a part two of the last one shot, if you want more let me know

I opened the door
It was Mr. Stark
Well I'm fucked

Tony: Hey, Peter, how are you?

Peter:You know, I'm good, I'm good, how are you?

Tony: I'm good, do you know maybe where my suit is?

Peter: No, Mr Stark, I don't

Tony:don't lie to me Peter, I'm not gonna be mad, just tell me did you take it

Peter: *sigh* yeah I did,in the back

Tony: why would you take the suit? I don't understand

Peter: I needed it for a project

Tony: I'm disappointed

Peter: Look, I'm sorry, I really am

Tony: You will be sorry

loud bang followed those words, and a sound of a body hitting the floor
Tony shot Peter in the stomach

Tony: That was a mistake, kid

Peter *barely being able to talk*: I'm sorry

Tony: I bet you are sorry, you little fuck

Peter: Help me, please

Tony: No....

Peter: Wh-why?

Tony: You wouldn't get it

Peter: I don't get it

Tony: you clueless fuck *pulls the mask off,revealing Quentin Beck*

Peter: Who are you?

Quentin: I'm Quentin Beck, your worst nightmare

Peter: You son of a bi-

Peter's words are cut off by a punch in the face.
Quentin brought Peter to his hideout.

Quentin: Wake up, sunshine!

A bucket of water was thrown in Peter's face, waking him up

Peter: What do you want from me?

Quentin: Well, I don't want anything, I need your expertise in whatever the fuck you do with electronics, and make me an Iron Man suit so I can take over this world once and for all, and than you'll work for me.

Peter: Fuck you

Quentin: Oh, did I forget to mention if you don't do it I'll kill everyone you know and love, starting from your aunt? Oh, I didn't? Well, that doesn't change the fact that I will.

Pater: Oh trust me, you won't get out of this alive

Quentin: Oh, tough guy,what are you gonna do? Are you really that dumb to try to kill me?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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