Chapter 1 - The cat

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"Noooooo, it's raining again today. Do we haaaave to walk home?" You tug on your older sister's sleeve as the two of you walk out of school.

"Mom said she wasn't able to come get us today (Y/N) and she's working very hard, it would be rude of us to make her come. I brought umbrellas though so don't worry!" Tohru flashes you a big smile and digs around in her backpack, pulling out two umbrellas.

The two of you reluctantly head off into the rain, Tohru steps in every puddle she passes to lighten the mood as you shield yourself from her splashes. After a few minutes, a faint noise catches your attention.

"Hey Tohru," she stops mid hop and looks back at you, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" she asks, bringing a finger to her cheek and looking around.


"THAT!" you yell, snapping your head over in the direction of the sound. "It sounds like a kitty doesn't it?!"

"It does (Y/N), but we need to get home. It's dark out and mom would be worried if we caught a cold."

Your lip quivers and you frantically look in the direction of the meow, begging to see the kitty.

"But, we can't just leave it out in the rain! I don't want it to be cold and wet! What if it catches a kitty cold?!"

Tohru sighs and drops her shoulders. "I guess we could look for a minute... but then we have to keep going, alright?"

"Thank you!" Quickly you step off the sidewalk and head down into a little leafy area.

'Come on kitty kitty, let me help you...'


'There it is again! It sounds like it's coming from...'

Gently you brush away a thin branch and find a small orange cat, curled up in a ball and bleeding, it's large eyes starting into yours, terrified.

"Hi little kitty, don't you worry anymore, I'm going to save you alright."

Ever so gently you kneel down and wrap your arms around the kitty's soft fur, avoiding the wound. 

Slowly you stand back up, cradling the cat into your chest and wrapping your jacket around it to shield it from the rain. After you secure the cat you begin walking back to Tohru.

"(Y/N)! We need to go... Oh you found him!"

"Him? How do you know it's a boy?"

Tohru walks up to you and bends down, getting a closer look at the cat in your arms. "He just looks like a boy don't you think?"

You simply shrug your shoulders and resume walking, determined to get the little kitty home and out of the elements.


"Momma, were home!"

"Oh good! I was beginning to get a little worried about my sweet girls."

She walks over to you, brushing her hands off, ready to give you your routine hug and kiss when she stops in her tracks. "What is that?!" she questions, pointing to the kitten wrapped in your arms.

"Momma please don't be mad he was in the rain, and he's hurt! I couldn't just leave him there!"

Her expression softens and she opens the cabinet, pulling out the first aid kit. "I'll never be upset about you doing the right thing (Y/N). Now, lets take a look."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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