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" Honey, are you sick? Are you feeling okay? Now why would you ask such a ridiculous question? "

" I took a DNA test!! My real parents are Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin! "

" Oh sweetheart! It must be wrong! "

" It is not wrong! "

" They are definitely wrong! You're my son!! "

" I knew it! I knew you we're lying to me! "

" I wasn't! You're my child! "

She tries to hold jungkook's arms as he shoves them away

" Why..? Why did you separate me from my parents who actually love me?! "

" Jungkook, I do love you as my own son!! "

" But I'm not you're son! "

" That's enough! I'm you're mother and you will respect me!! "

" No you're not.. "

Someone knocks on their door as jk's mom opens it seeing the police eyes widening

" Mrs. Reiss you're arrested for child kidnappings and child abuse "

" I have never done anything to my son! "

Taehyung comes from behind growling

" I believe that's a lie. Jungkook has done nothing wrong and you slap him just because you're so fucking selfish! "

" Jungkook! Tell the nice policemen I didn't do any of that! "

" You call yourself my mother when I've done nothing but be a good son.. Yes, you raised me when my real parents are out there suffering because of you.. You want sympathy from me? Go fuck yourself.. "

" Let's go mam "

The policemen take her in custody as jungkook broke down crying looking down taehyung nodded to the police going to jungkook holding him hugging him tightly kissing his head

" It's alright.. It's gonna be okay now.. "

Jungkook didn't say anything he just clinged onto his boyfriend looking down sadly he cries onto him

" Thank you, Tae.. "

" You deserve to be happy instead of a shit hole you call a home.. "

" But what do I do now? "

" You're living with me of course "

Jungkook smiles jumping into his arms as taehyung caught him chuckling holding him tightly

" Baby, I need you to go get you're stuff this house will be sold since nobody lives in it and yugyeom seems to have left "

" Okie! "

Jungkook smiles going upstairs putting all his stuff in a suitcase taking everything with him before walking out his room he looked back one last time

" I can't believe it.. For seventeen years.. You kept me away from my actual parents when they we're heartbroken looking for their son.. What kind of monster steals their parents most precious years? "

" Baby! You ready! "

The younger takes a large breath nodding walking out as he held his suitcase going to taehyung. Then they walk out as taehyung puts his suitcase in his car jungkook looked at the house remembering crying

[COMPLETED] Stepfather || TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now