Chapter 4

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(Bendy's POV)

I dropped her. 

I let her go right after promising I would protect her. Right after promising I would get her out. 

Instead I got half trampled by Searchers. I caught a glimpse of Boris. At least she's in good hands. 

What is it with me and my gosh darn "luck?" 

I've gotta find her. 

I find Boris, I find her. 

I run through the hallways aimlessly. I'm desperate to find her, I don't have a proper plan. 

I walk straight into a cardboard cutout of me. 


The cutouts. 

I can see through them. If she's close to one then maybe...

My vision shifts through each one of them. No. No. No. No...



She's in the Heavenly Toys room, looking around. She seems very intrigued by it. Very surprised and happy. I sigh. She's okay. Boris really helped her out. Clean hair, new clothes, everything. 

She's even walking, but with a limp. 

I turn to ink, seeping through the floors and walls, through pipes. I finally come to an ink puddle in Heavenly Toys. I rise from the puddle, forming back into me. Boris is freaked out, cowering behind his own arms, but (Y/N) stepped back once in surprise. When she saw it was me a smile made it's way across her face. 

She's okay.

And happy to see me. 

I outstretched my arms, ran to her, and hugged her. 

"I'm sorry...there were too many...I thought they would listen to me and do as I asked. I-I'm sorry, I told you you'd be fine..." I say. She hugs me back. 

"It's fine. There were so many, and I'm not sure how you would've gotten them away in the first place...but Boris helped me. I'm fine." she says. She was tall enough that her head was on my chest. I felt myself begin to blush a light gray. 

"I promise...I'll do my very best to protect very best." I whisper. 

"Ha ha ha..." a voice echoes in the room. Boris curls into a ball on the floor in fear. 

"You have what is mine..." it says. "I will be perfect. But you have what I need..." 

Me and (Y/N) let go of each other. "Get behind me..." I say. She does, sort of hiding behind my arm/shoulder. Whoever this is, they don't mean well. 

"Go ahead, try and find me. But I will get what I deserve. I will get him. I will be perfect." it says. Above us, on the other level, we hear something open. The doors behind us close with a bang, which surprised (Y/N) a little. Boris gets up from the floor. 

"Well...nowhere else to go but forward I reckon." Boris says. 

"I'll go first...if it's a trap I can escape easily." I say. "Stay with (Y/N), Boris." 

I get up to that level, and I see a darkened room. Projectors whir to life and show Alice Angel in cartoons, Alice Angel posters, and an Alice cardboard cutout. Speakers play her theme song. What the heck...

The door slams shut behind me. The projectors get brighter and brighter. 

In a window on the other side, someone can be seen looking in. 

A girl. 

She has long, black hair. The right side of her face was beautiful. The other...

She was missing an eye and her mouth was almost melted off. She had horns, and a halo was stuck into the left side of her head. She had a black tube dress, with a white bow on the collar. Her arms were completely covered with ink. 

"For someone without a soul, you're very kind to lead her. Protect her. It almost seems like you love her..." she says. That voice... "...but you were made to love me. I will be beautiful once more. You will see that I'm meant to be YOURS!!" as she says those final words, the room turns pitch black. 

Then she screams. Breaking glass can be heard. Then the lights come on. 

The door behind me is open again, and the room looks ransacked. 


(Your POV) 

He found me again.

I never thought I'd be happy to see him. But I was. He even hugged me and told me how sorry he was. I didn't know he felt so bad about that. 

We heard a voice taunting us, saying she'll get one of us so she can become...perfect. 

The doors behind us closed with a slam. The doors on the second floor open. 

Bendy went up there, and for what seemed like a split second the door closed behind him. It opened back up, but he stood for a long time up there. 

"Uh...Bendy?" I call out.

"I'm...I'm coming." he says. He comes down the stairs and to us. 

"Why did the doors close behind you? Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine." he says. Then he looks up at me and Boris. "It's Alice. She's like, half melted. She wants to use one of us to become perfect. To get rid of her melted face somehow." 

Alice Angel? 



I look up at the second floor. 

Should we?

There's no other way to go.

"There's no other way we can go but forward." I say. "Alice or not, I need to get back home. My family's probably worried sick."

Bendy looks at me for a long while. I ignore the look and press on up the stairs. 

I Will Protect You (Ink Bendy X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now