chapter 1

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my names kusuo saiki a psychic. In this world my abilaties aren't that strange as 80% of the population has super natural abilities. these abilities are called quirks and no, I don't have a quirk. a quirk manifests around the age of 5 but I've had my abilities since I was born. you would think my parents would have gone and got me tested but my parents are a little strange themselves.

my mother begged and begged me to go to this big fancy school called UA a school for future hero's. of Corse I tried to refuse as standing out was the last thing I wanted, but my mum signed me up anyway. so here I am sitting in my junior high class the teacher was talking about career paths. they threw the sheets  of paper into the air of corse I saw that coming with my telepathy. I can read the mind of anyone within a 200 mile Radis even animals and trust me everyone has a thought.

"ah bakugou I see you have applied to the UA hero corse" the teacher called so I zoned out and i knew katsu was about to have a temper tantrum.

"saiki" says the teacher briefly resulting in an explosions from katsu.

"calm down" I replied telepathically  he calmed down for minute till the teacher mentioned izuku. of corse I knew the real reason katsu lashed out.

you hear "Stupid Deku think you can go to UA you little shit, I'm going to be the only one in this whole school to get in UA".

this is what I hear " there's no way id let little deku go to UA he will be beat to a pulp beside I'm going to be the best hero, so deku don't have to" I mean his reasoning is sweat but his methods are outrageous. how does it cross you mind if you beat some one up your protecting them.

time skip ( the exam )

good greif how bothersome ive got katsu sitting to my left and izuku to my right. halfway threw the presentation some kid from somei academy interrupted and got up izuku. but nevermind that the exam is starting, in the written half I made sure to get an average passing mark and I am to do the same for the practical. after all I don't want to stand out, "GOOOOOOO" president mic screamed. guess its started I ran in and only used my telekinesis to crush the signal inside the bot gaining points after I got enough I jumped up onto the building next to me and took a nap. I wasn't long until the whole area started shaking the zero pointer had arrived. I went over to get a closer look when I saw a girl trapped about to get squashed and izuku running to save her. of Corse I knew izuku had all might's power and could defeat this thing, but he wasn't going to make it before she got crushed. guess I have to interfere so I start to run and jump along the side of the buildings till I'm behind the robot, I then jump and hover be hind it to locate the signal transmuter and disarm it. once it stopped and slowed I got out the way so izuku could take the glory I don't want it.

well time to go home good grief, "ku-chan" izuku called "you stopped that zero pointer right I knew I wouldn't make it, so you stopped it, right?" well what now.

"um yeah" I turn around with a slight blush "I guess I couldn't help it". ok now to go home

time skip (few weeks later)

finally i can relax and eat my coffee jelly in peace. or so I thought "KU! its here, its here" my mother bursts into the room with an evolope from UA. I already know I got in but a hologram was a suprise, erasurehead appeared. "saiki kusuo in here to announce you have made it in the hero corse, only just barly though you should thank midoria." a clip? "please sir you have to give extra points to kusuo he was the one who stopped the zero pointer not me he just doesn't like to be in the spotlight. just re watch the surveillance footage from the back of the robot in slow motion." izuku why? " as you can see we discovered that you were the one who defeated it first and earning rescue points, welcome to your hero academia" good grief.

so in this im going to make both his control devises limiters instead of just one and im probly going to pair him with my fav bois just so I can write some cute fluff and for your info this will highly be a shitpost story and if you have read my hxh story you know im not good at udating often or sometimes at all. -sincerely your author <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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