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After you agreed to finish out Goblet of Fire with Bucky, you walked back to the tents in silence. The air between you was still thick with tension, but what was left of the animosity dissipated with every step you took. With a final, shy smile, he bade you goodnight and went back to his own tent.

You tried to go to sleep, but your head was reeling over what had just happened; what had been happening. Bucky said he didn't want to go back to how things were before everything started, but the way he kept flip flopping on the issue made you unsure as to whether or not he really meant it. It was harder the last time you were on the receiving end of his disdain, and you weren't sure you could handle it if you got your hopes up only for him to change his mind again.

The next morning, Bucky had gone with Steve on a hike, and they weren't due back until the evening. The rest of you went on a more manageable hike, then went for a swim in the lake. Natasha bet she could catch more fish than Clint using only her hands, and the two set off to a different part of the lake, vowing to catch enough fish for the rest of the trip.

When they left, Wanda sighed and used her magic to encase several fish in a ball of water, amusing you, Tony, and Sam. When you tired, you and Wanda lay on your towels, enjoying the sun and the sounds of the forest. Eventually, Tony and Sam left, leaving you alone.

"Y/N, I don't know what happened while we were gone, but everything's changed between you and Bucky, hasn't it? Why are you still so tense around him?"

You sighed, not knowing how to answer. "I don't know. I thought it was going to get better, but then it got worse, and now he's trying to be nice... I guess I'm just waiting to see if he reverts back again."

"I don't think he will," she assured. "The dark cloud that surrounded his mind when he was near you isn't there anymore." Sensing the doubt and discomfort in your silence, she changed the subject wondered aloud who would win the bet between Clint and Natasha.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bucky was a little disappointed to find you weren't at the camp when he returned. He looked to Steve, silently imploring him to ask the question he didn't dare to.

"Hey, where are Wanda and Y/N?" Steve complied. During their hike, Bucky finally told him everything, including how terrified he was at the prospect of losing you to Matt.

"Sunbathing by the lake," Sam replied boredly, flipping the fish on the fire.

"Those look about ready," Steve turned to Bucky. "Why don't you go get them? It's nearly dinner time."

Without a word, Bucky nodded and headed off toward the lake. After some prodding from Steve, he'd spilled his guts, leaving nothing out. He'd told him being nice was a good start, but because of Matt coming into the picture, it might be too little too late, and suggested he figure something a little bolder out. He had no clue what to do, and every step he took felt heavier than the last.

When he reached the lake, you and Wanda were speaking in hushed voices. Not wanting to intrude, he cleared his throat, catching your attention.

"Food's almost ready," he kept his voice steady, watching you as you put an oversized shirt over your swimsuit.

"Good, I'm starving!" Wanda smirked at you, and took off running. "I'll meet you guys there!"

Cursing her under your breath, you kept your eyes on your things as you picked them up. Despite what Wanda said, you still weren't sure he wouldn't have a change of heart, so you did your best to keep your eyes trained anywhere but where he was.

"Let me help you," he purred from right beside you, making you jump. He'd just been nearly 20 feet away. "Sorry," he smiled sheepishly.

"How are you so quiet on gravel?" you demanded, curiosity overtaking your embarrassment.

He threw his head back in laughter, the sound bouncing back at you through the trees. "It's a special power," he teased. "May I?" he gestured to the things in your hands.

"Yeah, alright," you smiled, handing him your book and your towel. "How was your hike with Steve?" you braved, biting your lip in anticipation.

"Exhausting. In more ways than one," he grumbled the last part. "How was your day?"

You made small talk, not noticing you both began walking slower the closer you got to your camp. Every few steps, Bucky's hand would brush against yours, yet he stayed close. Little by little your apprehension eased and you became more animated, stomach fluttering every time he smiled, encouraging you go on.

His smile faltered when he smelled the smoke and began to hear the chatter of your friends. You were nearly there, and he still hadn't done anything bold as Steve suggested. He cast you a side glance, eyes raking over your bandaged areas, and got an idea. Before you were within view of the others, and before he could lose his nerve, his hand shot out to stop you. When you turned to him and gave him a puzzled look, he swallowed thickly and took a steadying breath.

"We missed one last night," he said, voice breathy.

You arched a brow. "Missed what?"

"A scrape." He raised a hand to your face, finger hovering over your cheek. "Right there."

"What?" Your hand shot up to feel yourself, leaving you even more confused. "I don't feel anything."

"You sure? It looks painful." He reached for your hand, lowering in from your face. "Here, lemme-" He leaned in and planted a quick kiss on your cheek, face beet red when he pulled away. "There. You should be fine now." He smiled tightly and sped off to the camp, leaving you unable to breathe and your heart trying to burst out of your chest.

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