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You never expected to find many similarities between Steve and Loki, but when you asked Loki to be your man of honor, it was like when Bucky asked Steve to be his best man all over again. He stared back at you, speechless as his eyes grew shiny with emotion.

You gently took his hands in yours. "Are you alright?"

"You wish me to be it?"

"Of course!" you assured. "You're my best friend. I wouldn't even be getting married if it weren't for you." You went silent for a moment, the words sinking in once again. "Oh my god, I'm marrying Bucky," you whispered, your own eyes pooling with tears.

Loki engulfed you in his arms and placed a kiss on your forehead. "It would be my privilege, Darling."

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Thanks to Loki, your engagement party went better than you could have hoped, much to Tony's annoyance. Neither you nor Bucky wanted anything extravagant, but Tony insisted there could be no such thing as a small Avenger wedding, so everything had to be big.

Loki played Tony like a fiddle, and got him to pay for lavish decorations which were strategically placed to serve as hiding spots for you and Bucky when you needed a moment to yourselves. He also frequently interrupted the orchestra to play a song that meant something to you, giving you a chance to dance to something fun.

It went well until he introduced the first song you ever danced together to. You and Bucky exchanged worried looks, wondering aloud if he'd actually do what you thought he was going to do. When the singing mice started playing, Bucky roared with laughter before sweeping you into his arms as the others either laughed or looked around in confusion.

After the toasts from the bride-to-be's escort (Tony), the best man, and man of honor, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Suddenly, bubbles began floating all over the place, meant to entertain you as well as thin the crowd. Some guests began to complain about ruined suits and dresses, making their way to the exit, while the rest laughed it off. You and Bucky spent the rest of the party soaked and sneaking off to exchange soapy kisses.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

You stepped into the common room, having just returned from a date, to find the rest of the team staring open mouthed at the muted television.

"Hey guys, what's got you so..." you froze at what you saw on the screen; CCTV footage of you and Bucky. You and little Bucky. "Shit," you squeaked.

"What's everyone lookin' at?" Bucky's voice called from behind you, gaining the attention of every person in the room.

Sam started to snicker, earning a glare from Steve.

"So," Tony began. "At your disastrous engagement party, I spoke to a guest who had a rather interesting story. Apparently she had a run in with an Avenger and her child. I thought, 'that's odd, none of us have children. At least, I hope not.' So I called in a favor and asked for all surveillance footage of the city for that time and," he bit his lip in an effort to keep from laughing. "you wanna take a guess at what I found, Barnes?"

Bucky swallowed hard, eyes briefly shifting to you. "I'm uh, guessing it's me but... a lot smaller."

Sam couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing, followed by Tony and Nat.

"No wonder you wanted to kill Loki when we got back from that mission," Clint commented, starting to giggle himself.

"I can't believe it!" Natasha gasped for air. "You had a little arm and everything!"

Bucky groaned, muttering a 'Crusty old bitch' under his breath.

"Hey Y/N," Tony wheezed. "was he as rude and grumpy as a Buckling a he is now?"

"Oh, oh! Can we please call him Sergeant Buckling from now on?" Sam begged.

You pushed Bucky back into the elevator, away from the taunting of the others.

"I'm so sorry," you cupped his cheeks. "When I asked Loki to get rid of the footage, I didn't think about public cameras."

Bucky sighed, relaxing into your touch and pulling you closer for a kiss. "It's not your fault. Anyway, they can call me whatever they want, as long as I still get to call you my wife."

The elevator door opened and you stepped out of his grasp, prepared to make a run for your bedroom. "So, Mrs. Buckling then?"

A/N: This is it! Thanks for reading! If you're interested, there is a companion piece for this story called 'KMB Companion', containing a collection of scenarios where the reader was de-aged instead of Bucky

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A/N: This is it! Thanks for reading! If you're interested, there is a companion piece for this story called 'KMB Companion', containing a collection of scenarios where the reader was de-aged instead of Bucky.

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