Ashe's Blossoming

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On a bright sunny day, there was a guy named (Y/N) who happened to enjoy whatever suits him for being outside but at the same time, it was getting too hot.  Lucky enough for (Y/N), he happened to discover the noise that's close towards the end of the side of town, there is a palm sandy beach that is occurred all morning long.  As he took a look around the beach, he was amazed about how much people are there at the beach.  With the likes of Reinhardt, Torbjörn and Brigitte on making the sandcastles, Lucio being the DJ, a 6 v. 6 Volleyball (2-2-2 style) consists of D.Va, Orisa, Soldier 76, Pharah, Ana and Mercy taking on the team of Sigma, Zarya, Widowmaker, Reaper, Moira and Baptiste.  Hammond is the Volleyball in which he modified it to light mode so that everyone can hit the ball with ease.  On the smaller islands, there was Genji, Hanzo along with Zenyatta and Bastion (In turret mode) in a meditation training, Junkrat and Roadhog are preparing a Barbecue for the crew.  As for the rest back on base, Winston with the communications and helping Tracer with the chrono phasers, Symmetra and Sombra are working on their own technology, Mei is in her own Cryogenic room and that leaves me, (Y/N) visiting at the cocktail shop for a drink. Unexpected, as I come across the bar, there were tons of cowboys and cowgirls looking at me like I'm made of fresh meat. So I sat next to a cowboy as I try to order a fruit punch cocktail from a bionic butler.

McCree: "You wouldn't get anything from that Butler / Barkeep."
(Y/N): "How so?"
McCree: "Only a certain person can command Bob."
(Y/N) "And that would be...?"
(???) "Bob! Hold on to that man his fruit punch cocktail for a moment please." She said as she is entering the beach bar.
McCree: "You have to ask?

(Y/N) turns around and he saw the most beautiful cowgirl wearing a skimpy bikini with a cowgirl hat.  She goes by the name of Ashe and he knew that he was the one that he fell in love with her.  Ashe walked towards the bar to see myself and McCree and she has no idea what she saw in him or who he really is.  Ashe is coming close towards me and asked...

Ashe: What's a fine handsome youngin' like you doing around these parts?
(Y/N): Just looking for some quality fun time around the beach.  So I started off by getting a drink.
Ashe: Let me tell you something, partner.   My beach bar...  My rules.  Understood?
(Y/N): Loud and clear.
Ashe: Good.  Because if you ever tell him what to do again, I will come back here and get you out of the beach bar.
(Y/N) Oh really now?  Just cause you own the bar, you think you're all high and mighty.

                    As soon as (Y/N) stand up to Ashe a bit, the crowd turned the attention to the Ashe and (Y/N) but in awe. There's only one way to settle this issue like it's a sudden death.

Ashe: Is that a challenge?
(Y/N): Yeah.  It is.  Let's raise the stakes to be exactly.
Ashe: Hmm?  This is my kind of game. What do you have in mind?
(Y/N): Quickdraw.  Best 2 out of 3.  I win this, there will be free drinks for a full month.
Ashe: And what if I win?
(Y/N) If you win?  You get me.
Ashe: I like the sound of that.  Do we have a deal?
(Y/N) McCree?  How's about high noon sound?
McCree: *Checks the planner from his watch and thumbs up* All good to go.
(Y/N): It's a deal.

                    And so on with the conversation bet, Ashe and I shook hands in agreement and the shootout will take place exactly at 12PM noon in front of the beach bar.  As I'm prepare to win the shootout bet, the twist to the rules is that once we get our revolvers ready, the difference is instead of real bullets, we filled it with sand before taking place of the QuickDraw shooting.  All 6 bullets are filled with sand and just like in any western theme, instead of real blood losing, either one will be hit by sand bullets and the bullets will be turned to sand.  As the clock struck at 12, the bet was on at the shootout.  We stood at a 100 yard distance from each other for Round 1 and both players are ready to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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