Ch 10: Breather (fluff)

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Fluff ahead

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Fluff ahead.

I stood there in the shower, mulling over what me and Abe talked about yesterday. We haven't really expanded on our conversation since the lab, and it left me feeling nervous. I was really new to this. I mean I've dated before, and I mean, I'm not as 'pure' as I look, but I've never been in a relationship quite like this. We really connect, and I'm nervous I'll do something to damage that connection. But at the same time I'm so excited that I finally opened myself up a bit. I really like Abe, and his goofy self. I have zero regrets about what I did, I'm just worried I'll regret something I'll do.
I decide that there's no point worrying and that the best way to expel these feelings is by seeing Abe and talking things out today.
I turn off the water and step out of the shower humming a classical piece I'd heard Abe play often. Mozart I think.
I dry myself off and examine my shoulder in the bathroom mirror.
The bruising was gone and so was the pain.
I smiled as I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out the door to my room.
I dressed myself for the day in my typical black BPRD tank top and stretch pants. I looked to my dresser, where my face mask and headphones sat. I had stopped using them around the library a while ago, now fully adjusted to the usual smells and sounds of my new home.
I stepped out into the library and wandered over to the humongous tank on the library wall opposite me and peered inside.

Abe floated casually around the tanks bottom with his earbuds in, swaying his head to the rhythm, completely unaware of my presence.

I politely knocked on the glass to get his attention.
The moment Abe saw me his body language went from calm to panicked as he took out his earbuds and swam to the water's surface.

"I'm sorry Aberaham, I didn't mean to sneak up on you."
I remarked hastily, climbing the ladder to talk with him face to face.

"It's quite alright,"
He added swimming to the tank's edge.

I look at him quizzically, eyeing the earbuds he held behind his back.
"What were you listening to." I ask, inching closer to him.
"Ohh." He added, panic setting into his every move.
"I was just listening to some Vivaldi, hesabriliantartistyouknowhesdonesomeamazing..."

"Abe." I interrupt quietly, giving him my best 'Come on,' face as I rest my head in my hand, ready for his honest reply.

He turns a deeper shade of blue and hands me an earbud. I put the earbud in and smiled.

"I can't smile without you." I say grinning from ear to ear.

"I didn't know you liked love songs."

"Ah, well. I figured I'd try something new."
My smile softens as I look at his face.

I placed my hand on top of the webbed digits he had wrapped around the tank's edge.

"Sorry for teasing, you're adorable."

Abe's face went from shy to playful in an instant.

"Oh I'm not the adorable one here..."
He thought, suddenly nose to nose with me.

I blush hard and stumble back a bit. Abe grabbed my hand, pulling me back, laughing apologetically.

"I'm sorry Charlotte, I didn't mean to startle you so badly."

I scowl, still blushing a deep green, and splash him playfully with my free hand.

We lock eyes. I can hear what he's thinking. He can hear what I'm thinking. We stand there, daring the other to make a move, when suddenly Abe wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my giggling squirming mass into the water with him. We're a giggling mess as I try in vain to escape his grasp. We swim around, playing our own silly game of tag splashing and chasing each other around the pool. We eventually settle on the aquarium floor, where we talk about anything, and everything. Abe takes me to the water's surface from time to time, gingerly holding my hands on the first trip. I catch my breath and when I resubmerge I take his hands and wrap them around my waist, where they stay for the remainder of our time in the water. We 'talk' in a manner of speaking, for the next hour with my head resting on his chest on the aquarium floor, only breaking for air. Eventually I got cold and needed to get out.

With one arm still around my waist, and the other supporting my back, he takes me to the waters surface one last time. Before we separate I inch my face towards his, as he reciprocates. He closes the gap between us as we kiss. Thoughts and emotions flood both our minds. I can feel his love for me, warm and gentle deep in his heart. My love for him is excited and nervous.

As we part Abe places his forehead against mine and sighs.

"I've wanted to kiss you for so long."

I smile as I place my hand on his cheek, rubbing circles with my thumb.

"I'm so happy you did."

Sorry this chapters a bit short. I was writing the first draft of the chapter when I realized it was a bit too steamy for this early on in the relationship so I rewrote a fluffier chapter for this one. Lookout in the next few chapters for my adorable fluffy steamy chapter.
Gosh I loved it.

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